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MG ZR ZS ZT Technical - Type 'R' :- The first 200 miles

Yes i know, i can hear the screams now. "This is a MG bb! Post else where!"

Well as you know, i Mega decided to go to Honda for my next wheels. Is it all i hoped? Well its good, but its not everything i hoped for. Read, listen and learn.

Its got the best gear box and change on any road car. The engine is a good one althought still a little tight, brakes good but need a lot of push to make them work.

The steering is spot on steady at speed (125 so far)but quick to turn in. The wheel itself is nice to hold. So is it cool?

Yes i would say so, get people looking at it as i drive past, one guy gave up in his Ford Puma as i reeled him. As soon as i had past and he saw it was an CTR he gave in.

Peace though superor fire power!

So does Mega think its the greatest hatch? Er NO! The best handing hatch was the Proton GTI (Lotus handing). The CTR has very frim suspension, and while this is great on a track day, its not on the pubic road.

Because "Fag Labour" has not fixed the roads cars like the CTR do tend to jump about a bit. The suspension always feels and sound busy. This is not the case with a Proton Lotus. The Proton has no warp engine though, and it would get eaten on the strights.
Anyway must go!
Have fun

You wouldn't know "Lotus handling" if it picked you up and threw you out the window!

Last time you mentioned it was when you were slagging it off - now its the best thing since the Proton GTI!?


Can we just let this thread die? Now. As in NO replies?

final word.
Mega, u said u wanted the best hot hatch but now your saying it doesn't handle as well as a proton? why the f*uck did u buy one if its not good enough?
and wow a steering wheel thats nice to hold? so what!
The ford puma driver probably *saw* you driving and thought it wasn't worth racing such an ugly f*ucker.
if its ride is too harsh and bumpy, you should have got a superior handling and riding car. but obviously u have never driven any of these cars u think you know soo much about, u will be taken off this board eventually, i find it hard to believe you have time to come and talk about ur honda on a MG forum, what is your point? ur fu*cked up in the head man, or just a spoilt child with too much spare w*nking time.
Capital letter

"while this is great on a track day, its not on the pubic road"

ARE YOU SURE???????????

I think he means firm suspension is not bouncy comfy.
He should have bought a BMW.

PLEASE can we just stop this non MG nonsense and ignore him?

Mega's assessment of the Type R in a post last year.

>would you want to drive a Honda that looks like across between a pregant potting shed and somthing out of Blakes7!<

I guess the answer is YES he would - shame really. You gotta feel sorry for the poor little twat.


Michael Williams

I dunno which is dafter. Mega posting his ill-informed views of a car no one here is interested in;
Michael taking the trouble to look up something Mega said a year ago;
or anyone getting wound up by it all.

Fell across it by accident Dotty.


Michael Williams

MG ZS wins at Silverstone, the Honda didnt!

Photo's please Kelvin!

You want picture Dot?

Bloody hell this Honda has grip! Just been across the Formby moss. % miles of 2,3 gear conners. I think in time this Honda will be quicker than my old Lotus Elan was!

Together with build, i see happy furture for us both :)

Dot, Dinner at 8 don't forget!

I lurk on many forums but have something to say having discovered this BBS.

I personally think, if anyone is being sad here, it is not 'MEGA' but the innane replies he (I presume) gets on this and numerous other threads. I can understand that this is an MG forum and as such the basic topic of conversation should be that - MGs.

But are you not interested in other manufacturers at all? Especially when they are in competition with your motors? Usually people who are particularly interested in one marque have a general interest in all cars, especially the latest big thing. I do hope it is not a rather short sighted attempt to kid yourself into thinking MGs are the be all and end all. I'm not saying they are bad cars - far from it - but they're not the only one you know, and they do have their own faults as well.

As an outsider I have to say that what comes across is a sense of insecurity, rather than one of strength.

I am in the market for a hot hatch and have driven both the Honda and also the MG, amongst others. I have to say that I much preferred the Honda. From the performance and reliability, to the interior, and dare I say it, the looks - it is more what I'm looking for. Don't get me wrong, the MG is a very good car, but IMO the Civic is a much better option (for me, anyway).

Dot - I have just come across either you or your namesake on a honda forum (which actually prompted me to post here) - What is your point to that post? Seemed like some very lame personal attack, which IMHO is uncalled for.

I dont mean to incite anyone or appear to be flaming - I had just been following such threads for some time and wanted to air my thoughts. I'm not having a go at MGs either - theyve managed to turn some dull cars into some very good ones (much like Honda with the Type R). And neither am I saying that the Civic is the best car out there, bar none. For me, it is more what Im looking for, but I am not so naive to think that it couldnt possibly be improved in any way.

Many thanks...

Bemused, I think you will find that the majority of people here do not object to people expressing their opinions on other cars.

Mega just makes a habit of being rather arrogant but ill-informed & short-sighted in his comments. Most people here can't be bothered with him, a few get irritated - I find him rather amusing (well most of the time).

In a moment of boredom last night, whilst I was sorting my bookmarks, I came across the Honda forum and it struck me that his comments were more appropriate there than here.

I don't own an MG eiher BTW.

P.S. A friend has a Honda R and thinks its a great "run around". One of the things he likes about it is the stiff suspension and sporty handling.


My Devilish Dictionary defines Lurkers as the ‘half-dead’ that are looking for a life. So I assume that Lurkers who buy a Honda, have given up.

That aside, who do you think you, are making asinine remarks about our Dot? We like her “lame personal attacks”. She has been perfecting them for some years now and will soon begin to sound insulting. She lurks around ‘Mega Threads’ because she needs the practice and the Mega intellect isn’t quite as much of a challenge for her.

As for you Bemused Lurker, off you go and buy your Honda and don’t bother coming back to tell us how great it is. You see, most of us tried the competition before we bought our MG’s, which is why we have our superiority complex.


LOL, wecome from the depths Beelzie (or at least from the depth that is Horizon).
Yes I must need the practice - I wasn't even trying with Mega.
Insulting? Me!?

No wonder Mega comes here to annoy you because you are so easy to wind up!!

Beelzebub, you seem to get a little hot under the collar easily. As you are no doubt a very intelligent person you will realise that most words have several meanings and the one I was referring to was :"One of the 'silent majority' in a electronic forum; one who posts occasionally or not at all but is known to read the group's postings regularly." But I'm sure you knew that really....

I do not own a Honda. Nor will I necessarily buy one. I just stated my preference of it over the MG. Before I do purchase one, if that is the choice I make, I have several other vehicles to look at. I also have to decide how much money I want to spend, because I am now considering moving up a price bracket or two.

As for Dot, I wasnt having a go, just stating what it looked like as an outsider.

As for me coming back IF I get a Honda - well, I dunno. Seems like it could be fun.
But what is clear is that every other single forum that I have looked at recently seems to have discussions about cars in general. The majority of people realise that no car is perfect, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. And if someone wants to 'leave the fold' they generally have adult discussions about it, and dont start bitch-slapping each other.

What is certain is that in every other online car 'community' that I have come across, whether it be Honda, VW, Audi, MINI, Subaru, Mitsubishi takes a lot more to piss people off than merely posting about a different make of car. If I did want to buy an MG, you aint doing a great deal for the image of the owners.

BTW, judging by the interior when I drove one, an MG seems like suitable transport in the Underworld - must fit in marvellously. Surely you have to agree that it is rubbish??!!

Still bemused

>>> just stating what it looked like as an outsider.
===cuts no ice; outsiders are ignorant of the ways of the world of MG, that's why you are bemused...

Still Bemused,

I suspect, though I am yet to prove it, that you secretly harbour base desires for 'slightly younger' lovers. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that you may well sate this urge by surreptitiously loitering near schools at play-time. Thus inspired you might rush home to furiously relieve yourself with the aid of your blow-up Linda Lovelace facsimile.

However I might be mistaken.
Neil Straub

Funny how several anonymous contributors like Bemused here have much in common with still VERY anonymous MEGA. They percieve that we ALL get annoyed by anonymous MEGA's near incessant postings on this MG BBS. Simply not true. Had Bemused been around here longer, and read much of MEGA's previous offerings, he may have formed a different opinion. Those of us, myself included, "sussed" MEGA ages ago. I still suspect that he is employed on the line at Halewood and thus has some kind of axe to grind. Shortly after he came to this BBS, despite his various mood swings and apparent genuine interest then in the MG ZS, I stated back then on this BBS that he will NOT buy an MG as long as he has a hole in his ar5e, which he sometimes uses when expressing views here. All these months later, my prediction came to pass - provided of course that he does now in fact own that oddball looking Honda to suit his oddball seating desires and it is not merely a colourful pigment of his imagination.

One or two MG enthusiasts maybe easily "wound up" but only on a mood swing or temporary basis. The VAST majority are not. Either way, that's no crime in my book. As it happens, I've been amused by many of his postings despite his obvious lack of enthusiasm for MGs and even greater lack of consistency with his appraisals of various cars..

To those who want to see him banned.... why? He's harmless enough and having now signalled that he's joined the prematurely aged ranks with his car marque choice, even moreso now. I speak as someone who bought his first new Honda and MGB whilst Mike MEGA was an immature ovum in his mother's ovaries. But then, I'm a transport enthusiast as well as MG lover .... and my favourite current daily driver transport is a humble MG Montego .... do you have the balls to do the same ... or sheepishly go with the "must have the latest" consumer street cred flow. Having said all that I might just blow my pension lump sum on a new blue ZT ...... maybe ... maybe not .... :0)

So, as long as he remains sometimes amusing I will sometimes read his contributions. Sometimes, because it's all too easy to see when he's on one of his negative tangents .... then I move on and the thing is not fully read. I'm pretty certain most BBSers do the same.


you've steamed on a bit there! But, you may not be mistaken ... many a true word ... you know the rest ... :o)

Happy and Safety Fast MotorinG.

John McFeely

John --

Good words. Most of my time on this BBS is spent in the Midget and Sprite threads, but I frequently drop in on some of the other areas just to see what's going on. If I were to confine my enthusiasm merely to Midgets and Sprites, I'd be missing quite a lot, wouldn't I?

I'm a motoring enthusiast in general, an MG enthusiast in particular, and a Midget enthusiast in practice. My motoring enthusiasm extends to any vehicle designed for the pure joy of driving, even when that interest includes vehicles that I would never think of purchasing.

So while our friend Mega is obviously not an MG enthusiast, he is a fellow motoring enthusiast, warts and all. Like it or not, there lies a kinship of sorts; and when he's at his most reasonable, and can confine his comments to areas of general enthusiasm without shrilly trumpeting the virtues of whatever marque he's fondest of at the moment, I enjoy his postings.

Gryfon Ketcherside

Still bemused

If an exegetical analysis of my post led you to believe that you wound me up and left me hot under the collar, I am not surprised that you are still bemused.

What a silly a*se


You mean its not hot in Hades?

>I do not own a Honda. Nor will I necessarily buy one. I just stated my preference of it over the MG. Before I do purchase one, if that is the choice I make, I have several other vehicles to look at. I also have to decide how much money I want to spend, because I am now considering moving up a price bracket or two.<

Do you have a reason for telling us all this? If you have lets have it as we can always hope the reason is more interesting than the content.

You come across as a pompous sort of chap, who takes himself much too seriously and actually believes that complete strangers are remotely interested in his view of cars.

No one here believes that MG’s are perfect. Heaven knows we spend enough time criticising them, their dealers and manufacturer. As the “Bemused Lurker” you should know that. But you should also know that we expect criticism to be informed, intelligent and reasonable. When its not, we don’t suffer the fool gladly. Hence our treatment of Mega and sadly, your contribution so far, rather puts you in the same category.

Off you go and buy whatever car you fancy and good luck with it, just don’t expect us to be remotely interested.


Michael Williams

Hi Everbody
Dot, we must meet one day and chat. Mr Chapman was my boy hood hero. Lotus was not only still racing, they where still Winning as well!

Every, every other lad in the class room was Liverpool FC this or Liverpool FC that. Me being me, i was 100 % Lotus, 15 years latter i lived the dream, i got a 2 year old Turbo Elan, what a car.

I must have been lucky because the only hassle i had with it was the hood getting slashed (twice) and the Bitch i was living with drove it (on perpose) into a wall. Than she traded it without my permission for a F*CKING 4 wheel drive Shogun!

The relastionship did not last! This anfternoon i have been driving an 4 year old Espirt Turbo, nice but diffcult gear box wise. It also stinks of petrol, which i have discovered is down to the fact that Lotus used the wrong sort of pipe for the brefer pipe that runs between the tanks.

I will sort that for the guy tomorrow morning!

I think that no one on the the planet can get cars to handle like Lotus. And no one on the Planet builds them as badly!

The first MR2 was built with help from LOTUS, the Mark 2 had to be reengineered because the USA team had f*cked it up. I wish Honda had perchase Lotus years ago.

Still, there hope for the furture>

MGZS 180 - First 13500 miles!

Fantastic! :-)



Just look for the stars......

Mike MEGA, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Hi ***Everbody***
Dot, we must meet one day and chat. Mr Chapman was my ***boy hood*** hero. Lotus was not only still racing, they ***where*** still Winning as well!

***Every, every*** other lad in the ***class room*** was Liverpool FC this or Liverpool FC that. Me being me, i was 100 % Lotus, 15 years ***latter*** i lived the dream, i got a 2 year old Turbo Elan, what a car.

I must have been lucky because the only hassle i had with it was the hood getting slashed (twice) and the Bitch i was living with drove it (on ***perpose***) into a wall. ***Than*** she traded it without my permission for a F*CKING 4 wheel drive Shogun!

The ***relastionship*** did not last! This ***anfternoon*** i have been driving ***an*** 4 year old ***Espirt*** Turbo, nice but ***diffcult*** gear box wise. It also stinks of petrol, which i have discovered is down to the fact that Lotus used the wrong sort of pipe for the ***brefer*** pipe that runs between the tanks.

I will sort that for the guy tomorrow morning!

I think that no one on ***the*** the planet can get cars to handle like Lotus. And no one on the Planet builds them as badly!

The first MR2 was built with help from LOTUS, the Mark 2 had to be reengineered because the USA team had f*cked it up. I wish Honda had ***perchase*** Lotus years ago.

Still, there hope for the ***furture***>

Spell Master

>You mean its not hot in Hades?<

The background temperature here was not the issue and in any case we are not technologically bereft – we do have air con. No, this jerk was suggesting that his inane ramblings had got me “hot under the collar” – me, Beelzebub, can you imagine it?

Armed with an IQ of 52ish he comes on here supporting the Village Idiot and making 'limp wrist' comments about MG’s. If anyone knows what’s wrong with MG’s its those of us that drive them, so what makes these morons think that they have anything relevant or important to say?

Spell Master

If you have nothing better to do at a quarter to midnight than highlight the Idiots spelling mistakes, perhaps you should consider buying a Honda and getting your social recreation at the Post Office, on Thursdays.


This thread was discussed between 02/06/2002 and 05/06/2002

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