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MG MGA - seat recovering

Has anyone had their seats recovered by either Newton Commercial in Ipswich or PJM Motors in Telford? I'm looking for a good quality job by some experienced outfit.
I believe the upholstering pictures in Malcolm Green's book were shot at Newton Commercial but that was a long time ago and with them not specifying MGA on their website now I'm wondering if they still have the expertise. PJM Motors I don't know at all: their website photographic examples are not too impressive. It's a lot of money to fork out without strong recommendation. Many thanks Mike
m.j. moore

Sad to hear that you seat was sick, but glad to here it is recovering!
S E Bryan

Ain't Preparation H great? Been there, done that too.
S E Bryan

Newton supplies many of the UK places that don't have their own trim shop. I know of a couple of places here in mainland Europe that also buy from them, and say the quality is excellent.

Making is one thing, fitting is another....
dominic clancy

Hi Mike, I bought a seat kit for my Twin Cam from NTG in England. They have info. almost the same as Green's book. The kit seems good so far but I'm yet to complete. If you can, have a go yourself!
Don Walker in (very)wet & windy Adelaide Hills Sth. Oz
DJ Walker

Don, That's interesting because NTG and Newton are within 20 miles of each other so I guess it would be natural for NTG to use Newton. Mike
m.j. moore

This thread was discussed between 24/04/2009 and 25/04/2009

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