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MG MGF Technical - Lightened Flywheel for K series

I have seen a ligtened flywheel for a K series but I can remember where ....could anybody help me out with this?


here perhaps??
paul weatherill

Yes, PowerTrain Projects do the trick:
Flywheel (Ultra lightweight) - £225 (ex VAT)
Designed to increase engine responsiveness and to
assist in overall balance and smoothness of the
engine. The 30% lighter than standard ultra
lightweight flywheel is fitted on the Motorsport 190
VHPD and Evolution engine. This simple but effective
component can be used with a standard or heavy duty
clutch and comes complete with ring gear and balanced
ready for installation.
Erik Baekelant

I'll probably get one of these fitted the next time the clutch needs replacing (wish I thought of that before the last clutch was replaced! D'oh!!!)
Rob Bell

I have found a specialist Flywheel company and I have emailed them for a price ...we shall see!!
it's all part of the Scheifflen Plan to turn a biddy wagon into ermm something from the darkside
Neil darkside convert

Keep us posted oh dark one of the Seth. ;o)
Rob Bell

If it's any help I have a QED one fitted to mine. Cannot fault it.

DJC Dorrell

I have a spare PTP one iam selling. Although Rob has first refusal, as he expressed interest in it a while back. Rob, i sent you a couple of e-mails a while back regarding this but they bounced :(

i too am waiting for my cluch to need replacing before i replace mine.

Davey - you have mail... :o)
Rob Bell

Got it Rob- you also have mail!

Interesting onfo FWIW. I recently purchased an Elise flywheel from Elise Parts and it was a high quality item. I made the assumption (always a dangerous thing to do)that the K series engine fitted to the MGF and that fitted to the Elise would have the same flywheel. It turns out to be not true. The triggering arrangement (sequence) for the ECU is different on the two cars. I checked this by monitoring the pulses coming from the flywheel on both my MGF and my Elise. As you might expect given the source of the flywheel, the timing pattern was that of the Elise. Since it was for an entire new engine for my MGF it was still suitable, but it is curious that for some reason they are different. I have no idea why they would make them different.

d mottram

diffrent MEMS? for the VVC you have to know which pair is firing, whereas for the (old) Mpi you just had to fire every 1/4 turn
Will Munns

Series 2 Elises use a different engine management system to the MGF (although series 1 did uses MEMS1.9). These latter cars, I think, use Lotus' K4 engine management - and this may explain why your flywheel was incorrect David?
Rob Bell

I presume it's the same flywheel for my early Mk1 F and for the nov 95 N plate old shape 214?

I have located a company which will cut down and balance the original item(s)...looking good!

anybody interested?

I would be, but I need one right now :o/ No longer have a budget for a 'Lab Rat' Metro Neil :,o(( Long story, will let you know...

Davey - just mailed you again - can you drop me a line? Cheers!
Rob Bell

You havent detonated the engine have you?


No. Gearbox :o(
Rob Bell

>> Flywheel (Ultra lightweight) - £225 (ex VAT) <<

Ouch - just noticed the cost of this flywheel Erik. I thought that it was even more expensive that the 'wheel from PTP - and then I had a bit of a shock when I realised it WAS from PTP!!!

What's this thing made of? Unobtainium? ;o)

I'll look up the web page...
Rob Bell

Okay, confused! From PTP's website:

Performance Parts

Flywheel (Ultra lightweight) - £159 (ex VAT)

* Total weight 4.3kg
* Total Weight saving approximately 2.3Kg

Designed to increase throttle responsiveness and to assist in overall balance and smoothness of the engine due to been 30% lighter than standard flywheel. This simple but effective component can be used with a standard or heavy duty clutch and comes complete with ring gear ready for fitment to the intended vehicle.

etc etc blah blah...

So how come one price is a hefty 42% greater than the other??? Is one a Lotus part? ;o)
Rob Bell

>No. Gearbox :o(

Time for a CR box then ?
Will Munns

Considered that Will - but I have not experienced a car with one fitted, and therefore can't be sure how this will effect the driveability of a car with a practically standard engine... Plus it's 900 quid + VAT 8o(
Rob Bell

Well done Rob!!!

I have emailed the geezer who would make one up with an urgent missive to call

I think the best bet is a original flywheel which has been cut down properly. Ally ones open all sorts of reliability probs.

However the Lotus guys seem to have no probs with theirs and I think you will find it makes a joyful improvement to engine response.

900 for a gearbox is big dosh! cant Valerie at MG Centre help with a Trophy job? didnt they have closer ratios?



I've been thinking about this a lot and definitevely a lightened flywheel is the thing to have next.

I think it should cure the low range torque the F lacks.


Neil, unfortunately, the Trophy runs the standard MGF gear cluster with the same final drive ratio as the VVC :o( Good thought though. Plenty of other gear clusters to consider from other Rover cars using the PG1. In fact you could pick 'n' mix the cogs. But that is all additional expense and time.

Unfortunately there is a time consideration - the car ought to be rebuilt before Christmas otherwise it'll be new year before my F leaves the workshop - which isn't ideal for any of those concerned...

Valter, Neil -hopefully I have sourced a fly wheel (cheers Davey) - the next question is how quickly it can reach Techspeed: the window of opportunity is going to be very narrow (next couple of days basically), and I am feeling increasingly pessimistic that with the Christmas post whether Davey would be able to ship the 'wheel in time :o(

Typical :o( Had I known all this was going to happen, I'd have planned for all contingencies well in advance (I was even offered a CR g/b 6 months ago for reasonable money! D'oh!)
Rob Bell

may I ask how you killed the 'box?

You know as you're going to have it all apart, it doesn't make senso to not change the cluch plate and the flywheel - you'd be saving money in the long run (and it's cheaper than a set of curtains ;-)
Will Munns

Will be going curtain shopping later in the year Will - but the F is safe ;o)

How did I kill the 'box? Not entirely sure, but I guess the competition use it gets (plenty of standing starts - which also means that the 2 year old clutch is already pretty worn, rushed gear changes placing increased stress on the bulk rings etc etc) is going to be at least partly responsible for its early demise.

To be quite honest, the gearbox probably does have plenty more life in it - it's just that I have a policy with this car of dealing with problems quickly once they're identified. The problem I was having with it was manefesting as a slight grunch going into 5th or 3rd from a lower gear - especially when the gearbox was cold, and especially if the selection was done with any speed. It was a modest irritation, that's all, albeit one that was getting gradually but progressively worse. No nasty noises nor any other indication of terminal problems.

I haven't got the full details of the parts required to rebuild the gearbox - that might be quite interesting to know. And I'd like to have a look at the thing in its disassembled state for curiousities' sake ;o)
Rob Bell

Ach Zoo! und vere did you get the flyveel from?

Our experiments start tomorrow..and zere vil be no delays!


Would a balanced lightened flywheel be ready in 48 hours Neil???
Rob Bell


call Autosprint on 01675 464857 now

I have fitted the PTP flywheel together with the AP racing clutch to my 98 VVC. It is great ! Together with my other engine mods like sport exhaust, carbon air box, GM throttle body and PBV the car is now much more fun to drive. Throttle responsiveness has improved dramatically in particular at lower to mid range rev's.

cheers Oliver
Oliver G

Cheers Oliver - that's encouraging to know :o) Looking forward to getting my car back now...
Rob Bell

Rob, I've driven an F with exactly the same symptoms. It had only 3 years and some 20k miles. A VVC.

It was very annoying.

Hope you get the car sorted out. It's a perfect opportunity for a flywheel. Dont' waste it!

Cheers, Valter.

>> Flywheel (Ultra lightweight) - £225 (ex VAT) <<

Must be an old (and extreme high) price mentioned on my website.... Will change it ASAP (equals this evening)).

>> Unobtainium? <<

Nice one ;o) I even get it :oP

Well the Lab Rat got its MOT ...just

so let the evil experiments begin!!...errr when Iet some time!!

It seems to go pretty well as it is....fingers crossed

LOL Erik :o)

Neil, or should that be Doktor Strangemotor? is the fly wheel going to be part of phase 1?
Rob Bell

Rob yeah there are a list of things that need to be done:-

clutch: a bit sticky. prob due to clutch cable more than anything but it brings a good excuse...clutch needs changing, hence..flywheel

Seriously though there are other things that need doing that I think must come first.

1. On full on hammering the engine misfires at full throttle opening, I think this is simply a fuel filter issue and it feels like fuel starvation and it only does it well into a stretch of acceleration, the engine will otherwise rev to the red line on lighter applications of the boot
2. some of the suspension bushes are a bit old and need replacement..but borderline for the MOT, gives a good excuse to fit powerflex stuff
3. The brake pedal isnt as firm as it should be ie there's a bit to much slack in the system, could simpy be a bit of air in the pipes or pads down on their material...Green stuff I heard somebody say!
4. Engine bay well Filphy .. I think there could well be a slight oil leak from either the rocker cover or from one of the cam seals...needs replacing....oh dear ...head will have to come see my thinking?
5. It only just scraped through in emissions so I would suspect that the air filter is mucky...and needs replacing...hmmm! (I had better change the oil too)

Also the Damn radio needs a code to be input! Trident said they would do this so I suppose they have the code on a database of some sort! problem is that this wont make it any quicker!

I have already stuck some of the trim back down so inside it's pretty good although it needs some new floor mats!
The bit of old carpet is very 1979 Cortina taxi!

BUT it's proven very useful this last few days on all the rain and salt and potential snow. I've done 400+ miles in the old bus already. it hardly uses any fuel probably because of the fuel starvation.

The F is sitting all cosy in the garage nice and clean waiting for my learing curve to accelerate, for some slight mods/repairs and for the forthcoming decent weather.

Well, the fuel filter is cheap and cheerful - so that's easy :o)

Air filter, I'd get a cheap K&N cone filter, and pop it inside a Rover800 airbox, and you effectively have the ITG maxogen on the cheap! :o)

How much does it cost to get the engine bay steam cleaned? Or are you just going to plaster everything with Gunk de-greaser and hose it down? ;o)

Agree with you regarding chassis and brakes. The master cylinder seals might also be past their best leading to the spongy pedal, but bleeding the system, replacing the hoses with braided is going to be a cheaper first step, and might do the trick.

I wouldn't use Green stuff if you plan track-based hysterics in the Lab Rat - they don't last all that well! Mintex would be better...
Rob Bell

Must do the fuel filter tomorrow am ..if I get the chance!!lets hope it's nothing else causing this problem....(little bit of paranoia goes a long way)

K&N route sounds good

Cleaning engine bay usually = Overalls, boots, safety goggles, Gunk, old paintbrush and a trip to Sainsbury's car wash jet spray thingey...

I have a jetspray but I dont want 8 years of cumulated grit grease and Gunk all over the drive
also I put said Sainsbury's carrier bag over the ECU just for safety's sake and to display brand loyalty

LOL! Sounds like a good plan! ;o)
Rob Bell

> I think there could well be a slight oil leak from
>either the rocker cover or from one of the cam
>seals...needs replacing....oh dear ...head will have to
>come see my thinking?

the head doesn't need to come off, but you will have to pull the cams ...
Will Munns

Will...I think you missed the point!!
follow my lips....Gasflow

Lightened flywheel fitted - and am happy with the results. Much more subtle than I was expecting - in other words, for much of the time you'd barely notice the reduced mass (which perhaps means that you could safely remove significantly more than 30% of the standard flywheel's mass before driveability is adversely effected?). However, the throttle response is great! :o)

In essence this is a worthwhile mod IF you are having to fit a new clutch at the same time - but not if you don't...

It'll be interesting to see how your experiments progess, Doktor Strangemotor... ;o)
Rob Bell

Ze experiments continue...

New fuel filter made significant difference to the car. I tell you what! these little 1.4's are a revelation! it feels a very different engine from the F's. really whizzy, brilliant really. Makes you think that perhaps MGR are missing a point with a "Midget" concept. The ZR105 is a popular car but has the wrong brakes and has all the lardy details of the bigger versions...lekky windows heavy seats, carpets, sunroof, glass, 5 doors! etc etc Like Peugeot's Rallye models, a stripped out ZR105 with grown up brakes and tyres but minimal everything else... would be a real winner and a terrific driving exerience. Youngsters would even be able to afford it...Jeez even the steering might work as it's not fighting big bhp's.... anyhow!

In this frame of mind I hammered the LabRat here to work today... very enjoyable despite the pi55ing rain.

Steering good, went well but ..ride too soft, geometry too lose...Car itself probably too heavy..
Yeah the clutch needs doing, it's a bit jerky when pulling away and I greased up the cable and the clutch and gearbox links connections etc.

Interesting to hear what you think of your flywheel. responsiveness on your car may now be more due to the mems unit now than any inertial effect.


Neil, I'll pop that 48mm TB in the post when the post offices re-open - and I entirely agree with you regarding the 1.4litre engine. Fab engine. Janspeed feetled one for the ZR - new exhaust manifold, a little attention to the cylinder head, decent air filter, and fantastic! It was putting out around 125 bhp (est) at the flywheel!!! :o)

Neil - do you honestly need the interior of your 214? ;o) Put it all on eBay, and put the monies raised into the pot for chassis upgrades ;o)

Oh, and weld up the rear doors ;o) ;o) ;o)
Rob Bell

Thanks for the Throttle Body Rob...
as soon as it arrives we will experiment

You must describe the K&N plus Rover 800 airbox story further.

yeah great engine would make a lovely thing for a Kitcar/ can see where this engine will eventually end up, maybe not in my hands but in time

Hmmm Interior.....I was thinking about those very same things...
I think the car had better keep the interior as I use the car for commuting to work and I may need to accomodate others occasionally. shame really ...

I was wondering about the possibility of fitting four bucket seats? That'd make a mad track taxi!!! LOL

Regarding 820 airbox, have you seen

If you need more info, let me know :o)

BTW, Dennis has just made an intriguing DIY Maxogen kit that you might be interested in? See other thread:
Rob Bell

Thanks I'll try this Rover 820 thing looks like a larf... bit of scrapyard needed let's see eh!

This thread was discussed between 16/12/2003 and 29/12/2003

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