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TR parts and Triumph parts, TR bits, Triumph Car Spares and accessories are available for TR2, TR3, TR3A, TR4, TR4A, TR5, TR6, TR7, TR8, Spitfire and Stag and other TR models are available from British car spares and parts company LBCarCo.

Triumph TR6 - Bronte All British Car Show

Well it is getting close to BIG show in Ontario Canada. For all to know. This is the largest all British Car show in North America. Over 1000 vehicles of all make and model comming out of Britain. Heck there was even 2 double decker buses there last year.
A link to the TTC and driving directions. Jim D; it is not that far a drive for you....2 hours max. Here is your opportunity to meet the "Ontario connection".

It is time to get the convoy organized.
Chris & Andrea, how about Orangeville at the hospital parking lot corner of 9 and 10? Then on down through Erin to pick up Pete and Bonnie in Erin (at the Petrocan Hwy 25 and 24?).
Then we could meet the West from the Tri-city area and the East from Mississauga & Brampton in Milton. At the south end of Milton on Hwy 25 is the high school...the parking lot?
Rick C
Rick Crawford

I'll be attending but working as a volunteer early on Sunday morning. I don't have my assignment yet, but I hope to be working at the gate. I'll try and find you/your cars on the field.


I plan to be there with my TR3A again.

I heard that as many as 15 or 20 might be driving down from Ottawa.

Don Elliott
Don Elliott

Am I reading you are not coming to Bronte in the 6?
Rick C
Rick Crawford

Rick, this year I'll put a sign on the car so you can find it. Last year I arrived late and skipped the owner signage. It's fairly easy to pickout, the original steel wheels were powdercoated red to match the car. I think Charlie may have a photo of it on his site.

Mati Holland

Look forward to seeing you again. I presume you will join up with the group from Ottawa. That would be something to see.
Rick C
Rick Crawford

Rick - No - I don't know when they are leaving Ottawa, but my plan is to leave sometime Friday and stay at least Friday night at my brother's in Alliston and be there Saturday in time for a bit of volunteering, the convoy and the BBQ.

Don Elliott


Alliston seems to be a central spot for a few of you? Family for you Rick. Chris is a walk down the road.

Now Don!

Talk about connections?

This year I will get there come hell or high water. No car but a visit anyway!


Bill Brayford

Hey Rick,
I broke an intake spring coming back from the
British V8 convention in Michigan last week and
while I had it apart I noticed three bent intake push
rods. Have no idea what's going on so am having the heads rebuilt right now and have told them I have to have them back by the 13th so I have time to reassemble
and test before the 19th. But who knows? Might not be going this year, will keep you posted on the progress.
Christopher Trace

in one word:

Rick Crawford

Another word:


Going to a V8 convention and coming home with a broken spring and bent push rods is kinda like coming home from Vegas with lipstick on your collar isn't it? Nice to hear you had a good time. :-)

P.S. - Triumph Club is still looking for a few more volunteers!
Mati Holland

Sorry folks I can not make it. I have my dates all messed up. My wife asked me long time ago about our vacation and I left it to her (never do that again) I fly out Sept 18. (right in the middle of hurricane season)

Its time to debute "bobs76 6", she just got safetied, licensed and I pick her up from the inspector thursday, just in time to shine it up and drive into a grass/mud field :-(

Mati, its come along way since you saw it...I look forward to showing her to you after your help this summer.

Is there any place in particular that TE's will be converging? If not, look for a sapphire blue 76 6 with a grinning idiot beside it (that would be me, not the wife)

Bob Craske

Hi Bob!

Glad to hear you're set for the show, I was planning to check in with you this week. There are so many TR6's, I believe they park cars according to year of manufacture. I'll also be in the '76 row(s) and I'm anxious to see your car. I believe a few of us will be gathering there for 9 am (before the gates formally open). Looks like Ivan is going to stay south for the weekend, forecast is calling for cool and sunny skies. Could be another record turn out. I think they hit 1300 cars last year.
Mati Holland


Do you have room for another TR6 in your convoy from Orangeville? My wife and I are planning on attending our first show this weekend and would like to hook up with your group. What time will you be meeting at the hospital in Orangeville?

M. Blakey 1

Just check the program from last year, vendors start set up at 5:30 am and gates open at 7:30. Registration is at 10 am and I believe judging ends around 1pm.

Ill be thinking of you guys on Sunday while I'm painting the mud room. Have fun, I'll be there next year. My TR is still on blocks for at least another
week and half.
Christopher Trace

Hi All
The reason you have not seen me posting is because I just got back from US about 3 hours ago from a week trip.
Chris, I am truly sorry to hear you will not be there. You had a lot of people admiring your car last year. the rest of have mail.
Rick C

PS We all better pray that we do not get a piece of IVAN this weekend.

TR6s are parked according to 2 classes. Chrome bumper and rubber bumper.

You will find Cheryl and I under the "gazebo" over my (wind) permiting.
Rick Crawford


I will be getting there early as I will join Brian H in setting up a parts for sale table, I expect to be there around 8 30 or so, and being new at this, what do you mean by owner that part of registration process?

rookie bob
Bob Craske

Hi Bob!

Everyone register's their car and it is assigned a number (for voting) and I believe you name is there too. With 1300 cars to view and judge, you're going to need a system (and running shoes)!

Rick, to avoid this kind of last minute confusion in the future, could you clear your vacation/business plans with the BBS first? What if it had been your turn to look after the goose?

Chris, sorry to hear your car is still on blocks. Last year I tried to get a peek at your V8 but the crowd around it was 3 three deep.

See you all on Sunday, it looks like this is going to be our gift to make up for the Ancaster washout.

To all
Just got e-mail from Don Elliott. He is not feeling well and will unfortunately not be driving down to the show. You will be missed Don.
Moe, I sent you e-mail saying yes meet you in Orangeville Hospital parking lot at 7:30 AM
e-mail me back (remove the "at" and ".dot" from my e-mail address).

"We'll see you 8:45 at Tim Horton's at 5 & 25". Sounds like a plan Mati.

Rick C
Rick Crawford

Will be manning the North gate for the entrants from 8 to 10 this year.

I will be the relative short furry faced one (beard & stash helps keep the overall hair average up).

Hope to see you all there.

LG Middleton

Sounds like you could be my twin:)
See you around 9:00AM...Dwight Dyson (TR3A)is also on the gate. Was going to come down with him but he is leaving our local "VERY" early.
"71 Saphire blue" ...with a Grey tweed cap on to keep the bald spot warm.
Rick C
Rick Crawford


For those of you reading this thread, I thought I would let you know how the day went.
The drive down started at 6:15AM with the top up as it was 5*C. 3hours later we had Pete R. and Mati H. along with another 2 TRs and a MG that stated with me ariving at the park. Moe B. unfortunately had a visit from the prince of darkness. Setting up, it was time to shed the windbreaker then in no time it was short sleeve weather. The sun was out for the entire day with virtually no clouds. I met up with the entire Ontario connection and even some TR owners that I converse with via e-mail.
There where over 1200 british vehicles present. The TR family of vehicles from the Herald to the TR8 took one whole field themselves.
Simply there where some very nice vehicles there.

I am proud to inform you that MY MSTRS got 1st in class for chrome bumper.

There are others on this BBS who also won. I leave it up to them to blow their own horns.

Don E; I drove back home with Dwight Dyson..he got 3rd.

Rick C
Rick Crawford

Congratulations, Rick!
I am sorry I didn't get much opportunity to socialise with everyone on the board; I saw Mati drive by with his red wheels, but I was pretty busy at registration and also talking to some of the Spitfire guys.
Anyway, a perfect day in terms of weather, and some great cars. I loved the extremes, a 1926 Austin 7 and a 2005 Rolls Royce!
Simon Rasmussen

Rick, the field was full of perfect cars, you can chaulk this one up as the best of the best. Congrats!! Would you say there were 75+ TR6's? Every year the cars keep getting better.

Mati Holland

I really enjoyed the show, Mati..I think there was close to 100 TR6's...they even had to park 6's in the same field as the mg' the 4 yrs I've been going I've never seen so many TR6' was great !!
Charlie Ballard

Congratulations Rick!

We were very disappointed not to make the show. The prince of darkness was an unwelcome guest. Luckily we were only about 15 minutes from home and managed to make it back safely. The alternator is being rebuilt - I looked around for one of the Bosch, Ford Fiesta alternators but had no luck. We'll be there next year!

We've only had the car since June and this is the first time for a problem so I guess I'm not doing too badly.

M. Blakey 1

Hi Simon

Do you know or could find out who owned the only 1949 Austin A40. I wrote it down but lost it?

remove the xxxs. Give him my e-mail would like to converse.


Bill Brayford

Thanks for kind comments guys, here and via e-mail.
Moe...have you touch wood lately?
Glad you made it home OK but sorry for your problem and not being able to make it to the show.

Mati, gotta agree with Charlie. Closer to 100 TRs. I think the TTC posts the actual numbers for each class. I heard many people mention the 2005 RR...looked for it but did not see it...I know how could you miss it! I voted for the Yellow/black '49 silver got first in class.

Simon, glad to see you. OK guys here is Simons' sad story ( I told you I would tell the BBS Simon:) Mary (AKA second fiddle) and Simon arrived at the show in Marys' Spitfire...why not in the TR4A you ask? Well it seems that in Simons' "need for speed", managed to have a converstion with a styrofoam barrier while racing at a track. They showed me pics of the aftermath...the front of the 4A did not look happy. Simon did not even get a scratch. But all is not lost. Soon there will be a restored 65 TR4A back on the road.

Oh Ya....let it be know that I filed a patent today for gazebos...

Rick Crawford

Hey All, Our man Rick Crawford got the Best In Class for chrome bumper TR6. What a great win at the BIG SHOW of the year. What a sweet ride his Mistress is. I want to thank all those that stopped by our booth for those infamous Brit Car parts that litter our garages and dark corners of cellars. We had a great sales day, a few crazy stories, couple of cold ones and 3rd place for rubber bumper TR6. (Rubber bumper so we don't hurt ourselves) LOL. What a grand day to spend with fellow LBC lovers and those who admire them. Cheers all and drive til ya drop!
B.R. Horne

PS I have to give an honourable mention and Good Show to a sales buddy, Bob Craske who's brand new old TR6 made its 1st trip more than 15 km from home. Bob she looked mighty fine in the TR row Well Done.
My other sales buddy Steve W with his brand new but old TR7 also grabbed a 1st in class, Whew are we good or what!!!
Guys, I have to say that I had an absolute blast working the sales table and Canada Dry with you guys.
B.R. Horne

Hi Bill,
I tried to contact you at the email address you gave (without the xxx) but not successful.
I will ask at the meeting tonight, but unless the car is a winner of a plaque I think the policy is to get rid of the info in order to protect the owners privacy. (Also don't want thieves obtaining addresses of where cars are located etc.)
Will contact you if I come up with anything.
Simon Rasmussen

Congrats to you also for 3rd in rubber bumper.
When I saw you at your booth, you all looked like you where having to much fun:) Canada Dry eh?

The BBS connection at BCD sure did a good showing!
Bob Craske, I looked at your 6 very nice my must have placed in the top 3?

It was good to see the "group" again even if Charlie did tell me he threw his old wind blocker away..just yankin' your chain Charlie:)
Rick C
Rick Crawford

Rick, I've got bad new for you buddy. You think that the MSTRS may have taken all your money and she's all done with you - Not so! She's about to break your heart. I don't sense that you're a wax on - wax off kinda guy. When the euphoria of victory dies off (here it comes....) you're left with a clean, better than new, perfect car. No oil leaks, no strange noises, no rust, no PDO mysteries. The HORROR!!

You need to hurry down to Simon's corner and take one for the team. Don't worry, if thing get tough, we're here for you, we'll help you nurse her back to health. Dump that bitch.. she's no good for you!
Mati Holland

Having a MSTRS is very serious business. You have to shower them with gifts, provide "more than adiquate" accomodations,treat them kindly,take them out to fine dinning establishments,and pamper them.
Even doing all this you are still left wide open to all her ideosicracies and temper tantrums.
When I awoke her in the morning to take her to the BIG SHOW she decided to pull a temper tantrum and only operate on 5 cylinders. I helper her with her "distribution" problem but oh no! ...she kept up the tantrum. She must have been anxious about the show and how well she would do. After the show, on the way home, she was fine. How do you explain that about a British can not...for only the prince of darkness knows the answer.
As far as hurrying down to Simons' corner, well I already have. I managed to scratch her boot on the way home. I can not tell you how..she is a little sensitive on the subject. Fortunately, I think with a little rubbing compound and some wax on-wax off, I can heal her wound.
As far as dumping the bitch...well, at the show ,I was offered 20 big ones for her...."not enough" .. He thought for a moment and offered 20 big ones and he would throw in his wedge............."no thanks".
Rick C...still euphoric

Rick Crawford

Hey Rick,
Congrats, you deserve it. She's a sweet thing.
I should be up and burning by the weekend.
Re-built the heads, port and polish, the largest valves
I could squeeze in, Cobra roller rockers.
Hoping to gain another 20 - 25 HP. Will let you know
when it goes on the dyno.
Brit day must has been great, the weather was perfect.
I was thinking of you guys as I did one mudane chore
after another.
Found an up grade for the rad pan, will pass it on as soon as I tested it.
Christopher Trace

In one word


PS I know a guy who sells tyres cheep:)
Rick Crawford

Rick/Brian ...congrats!

Rick, Thanks for the compliment, but no, she did not even get third place (i was a little bummed out, but will work harder this winter to get her to a winners condition).

Brian, thanks for a great day, certainly a lot of fun emptying the garage of parts (make room to start Sues car soon?). We must plan one last get together before winter settles in.


Bob Craske

This thread was discussed between 02/09/2004 and 25/09/2004

Triumph TR6 index