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Triumph TR6 - Fiberglass Fenders
Has anyone had the opportunity to use one of these fiberglass fenders I see being offered from time to time? example: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TRIUMPH-TR6-1974-FENDER-RIGHT-REAR-FIBERGLASS-NEW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ46093QQihZ011QQitemZ320011244955QQrdZ1 I'm in need of two rear fenders for my 70-6 project and was wondering how they fit up against all the other metal and so on. Any experiences? Thanx DS |
Dennis Silance |
Hello Dennis, Fiberglass fender... it is at that place you cold find them: http://www.showcars-bodyparts.com/triumph.html But by experience it gives a less quality look. But you could have a decent car with them if you are good at bodyworks and if you do not want to invest a lot of money. Cheers, JGC |
J. G. Catford |
Dennis, I have 4 used fiberglas fenders. They have silver paint on the outside and undercoating on the inside. They were on my 69 TR6 when it was rebuilt in 1978 and used for 4 years. The car sat from 1982 to 2003. The appearance is not quite as good as the steel ones but decent. They are in reasoably good shape I can provide pictures of them if you have any interest. From my perspective if you are interested they are yours for freight and $50 for me to pull them out of the rafters. Shipping cross border may have its challenges but I am planning on visiting Cleveland this weekend and could meet you there (assuming I can fit all four in the car and still include my wife and US customs won't get to antsy) if you want a drive up from Pa. If interested ddrop me a line at gendeliveryAT@cogecoDOT.ca Drop the AT and DOT. As Rick C likes to do to avoid the e-mail spam. regards Mike Petryschuk |
Michael S. Petryschuk |
Mike, I wouldn't mind taking a close look at those fenders, if you have any pics. I would really just be interested in the 2 rear ones tho, but $50 bucks for four fenders is a little hard to pass up. As far as driving out to Cleveland this weekend, I appreciate the offer but that wouldn't work for me. I wish I knew someone near there, it's almost a 750 mile round trip for me. I live close to the New Jersey border in eastern Pa. I've shipped and received large items (fenders, hoods) via greyhound bus and found their service to be accommodating as well as economical. I don't know about crossing borders tho, but I would bet two rear TR6 fenders would fit in one box and could be shipped by bus.....maybe from Cleveland? I must admit, I've no experience with fiberglass panels. Did they stand out that much from the rest of the car that made you switch back to metal? Anyways, thanx for the reply to the posting Looking forward to hearing from you Dennis Silance P.S. I tried sending you a response(twice) to the e-mail you provided, removing the appropriate letters, but they bounced back both times. |
Dennis Silance |
Dennis, Is the problem that the steel fenders are hard to get? Or is price the problem? If you're concerned about the fit then you'd be better off holding out for the steel ones that you know will fit. Used ones come up on ebay once in a while. Just my opinion. Good luck |
HP Henry Patterson |
Henry, I have the original two rear fenders that came with the car and thought they would be useable/repairable. Once I stripped 'em down and had a closer look at them, there is quite a bit of rust damage covered by bondo, especially around the tailight area and the seam closest to the door. A bit beyond my limited fabricating and welding skills. I did pick up two front fenders (metal)off E-bay this spring but just started watching for rear ones when I came upon the above mentioned fiberglass one. I do know that new steel ones are available from the 'usual suspects' but I was hoping to find repairable used and have noticed in the past that prices are much more reasonable on glass fenders. Just looking for input from peoples experiences. Thanx for the response DS 70 TR6 |
Dennis Silance |
This thread was discussed between 29/07/2006 and 03/08/2006
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