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Triumph TR6 - Ignition Wires
I don't know how many times I heard/read that most carb problems are actually ignition, valve or tune-up problems. Being hard headed, and sure that my symptoms of hesitation and intermittent missing at idle were fuel related, I had big plans to replace the ZS's. Before doing so, I replaced the ignition wires (which looked fine, still pliable) with 8 mm Magnecor wires, since several postings reported good results from them. Guess what? 'Stella' runs like a dream, now! Smooth acceleration, no hesitation when the clutch is engaged, flawless idle. Fresh wires of any type may have done the trick, but I figure these are good for lifetime. Now, I view the ZS carbs as "brilliantly simple" rather than "archaic technology", since they were actually doing their job quite well, given the opportunity. |
Karl Prager |
Am planning to upgrade also. My local speed shop hac MSD 8 mm for $52.00. Loking forward to the change when it gets fired up. Don K. |
Karl, I've experienced the same thing. The carbs are the last thing I play with. I just installed the Petronix system but still have 7mm wires. Does changing to 8mm wires improve performance? |
Michael Parkhill |
Michael I also went Pertronix. I think to get the full benifit out of the retro EI you should consider the 8MM wire set and higher output coil. The next is spark plugs and how far do you want to go. Does this improve performance? I would have to say yes. You probably will also get better gas mileage. |
Rick Crawford |
Without a doubt IMHO, the best no-hype cable set is the Magnecor KV85 (8.5 mm) that lists for $66.04. The P/N is 6557. Can normally be had for 15% off ($57.42). Rick O. |
Rick Orthen |
Rick-Where do you suggest for the Magnecor? Don K. |
Go to http://www.magnecor.com/ to read all the technical stuff and to locate your nearest distributor. You really should be familiar with what makes a good cable vs. all the hype that's out there. My distributor is www.apexperformance.net. Rick O. |
Rick Orthen |
Don--Go to http://www.magnecor.com/ to read all the technical stuff and to locate your nearest distributor. You really should be familiar with what makes a good cable vs. all the hype that's thrown around. My distributor is www.apexperformance.net. While you're out there, check out www.trregistry.com too. Rick O. CC80171U(O) |
Rick Orthen |
I ordered my ignition wires by phone from Magnecor, since none were available to me locally. They were very helpful on the phone, but nearly any question should be answered somewhere on their extensive and opinionated website. (phone # is on the website)For my particular car (Pertronix and 40 k Lucas coil), they recommended 8 mm, and indicated no additional benefit from 8.5 mm in my case (not a racing engine). |
Karl Prager |
Karl--If I remember correctly, there was less than $10. difference between the 8 and 8.5 mm sets. But it was good they based their recommendation to you on technical merit. Hope you enjoy them! Rick O. |
Rick Orthen |
Nothing wrong with a nice new set of plug wires but dont expect any noticeable performance gains! But dont believe me - lots of info on the web. I have had 8 mm performance wires various types of electronic ignition etc but without a doubt the best thing you can do for ignition apart from going electronic (realy very little performance gains here but less fooling around) is to get a cd ignition like msd 6 or 6a etc (it is compatable with pertronix)- at 60$ for plug wires your half way there alleady! When you have a powerful ignition then big wires will help. |
Mike |
Mike You have my attention. I also have the pertronics with the Lucas sport coil. I did a little surfing and add some sites below for information to all. http://students.fct.unl.pt/users/ejr/ignite.html http://www.356registry.org/Tech/elecignition.html http://www.msdignition.com/ (MSD=Autotronic Controls corp.) While surfing noted following questions: What about draw ( 5 amps@5000 RPM)from the MSD-6A as far as stock alternator is concerned....17 ARC. The MSD model MSD 6A seems to be the choice or the MSD 6AL (addition of user setable rev limiter). Where did u buy it in Canada and at what $. Much modification to the pertronics if any? Mounting location? Would it fit on the fire wall beside wiper motor? Thanks Mike |
Rick Crawford |
Mike A follow up. Just checked with a distributor in Toronto. 6A is $299.00 and 6AL is $399.00 Did u get better price? I ask this because I am going to LA next week and a dist. down there sells for $160. and $200 (Notice less difference in price!). Your reply ASAP is appreciated. Not sure if I will do this but sure sounds interesting. Rick |
Rick Crawford |
Hi Rick, Hope this is quick enough reply! I purchased a MSD 6A for 250 Can. from a local speed shop called Mopac(they have a website) in Calgary - didnt want to shell out more for the rev limiter. A place called summit racing in the USa sells them for 130 USD (check their website). I mounted mine inside the drivers side foot well - fits nicely there but the unit makes a low sort of crackling noise which I find a bit annoying. Yes, it would mount near the wiper motor easy too. No modifications required to pertronix and the install of the MSD is quite straight forward. I have found this to be a really noticeable performance improvement. Regards |
Mike |
Mike Thanks for the ASAP reply, leave Sun. AM. I like your idea of the "hide it". I guess it could even mount up underneith the passanger side..plenty of room there..obviously wires would need to be a bit longer. At HTTP://WWW.pertonix.com shows a schematic of their EI connection with the MSD 6....very simple (under the Q&A section). If I decide to go this route, I would deffinitely want to hide it...with paint code 96, it would do that sore thump thing in the engine bay. Mike I agree on the extra $ 4 the rev limiter. If I raced (or rallied) her I would go for it. Deffinitely have not hit red line and do not plan to do so. FYI to all my above first WEB reference is the theory one and says it all. Simply, if I had read this many moons ago I might have considered going CDI rather than EI. The big advantage being if failure occurs in the CDI (with no EI) it is a simple case of moving a couple of wires and bang, u are back to the original points setup. Do not get me wrong, the Pertronix EI is good considering age of our distributors and I do not feel I have made a mistake doing so. I guess I could say I am a little confused at this point. When I bought the EI the selling hype was everything the CDI will do (+ gas mileage,better performance,less emissions,higher spark voltage...just read Pertronix WEB page!!!). I appreciate your comments Mike and would u be so kind as to elaberate a little more. I have time as given the CDN price I can wait. If anyone else has similar experience (or comments),by all means jump in. Thanks again Mike. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Rick, I agree I dont think any money was wasted going to pertronx - I think that it is really mandatory in order to modernize the ignition and to get rid of those dam points! Its true the hype over the performance benefits of the electronic modules is overstated. The way I look at it the cd ignition is the true amplifier of the spark (greater duration in that it is multiple up to 3000 rpm and much more intense - performance shops near you probably have the MSD disply that will demonstrate that. You can go to CD ignition at any time and if the CD fails you can still move a wire or two and continue on your way. Regarding the amperage draw -which I forgot to mention - I had uprated my alternator (not specifically for the ignition but for other things as well such as electric fuel pump) using a straight bolt on ford fiesta alternator 55 amps. The only thing that has to be modified is getting a slightly longer belt. I too had the 17 acr before which I think was a higher output alt. I dont think that there would be any problem using the standard alternator (depending on how much accesories you have going)as I was using mine when I went to an electric fan which draws closer to 9 amps. Cheers! |
Mike |
This thread was discussed between 19/03/2002 and 22/03/2002
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