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Triumph TR6 - Mail-out CD please

Hey guys - I have been disappointed not to receive a copy of Rick's CD even though I was early on the list. It appears the 'chain' was broken upstream from me and it didn't make it "down under"!

There are quite a few guys here who would appreciate a copy, so if someone would be kind enough to send me one, I'll copy it and pass it on.

Please email me at wizidofoz@hotmailDOTcom - (changing the DOT as usual) if you can help.

Roger H

Many thanks to Doug Baker who has kindly offered to send me a copy.

Roger H


would you be so kind to send me a copy of your copy ?
email: triumphtr6@planetDOTnl

thanks so much
Eric de Lange

My profound apologies to you. You asked me to send one to you and...well....I forgot. Like I said I apologize please forgive me Roger.
I am definitely upset with myself for forgetting.

Thank you Doug.

Eric Creyghton (from your neck of the woods ..The Netherlands) got a CD. He is obviously closer to you. e-mail me off line and I will send you his e-mail address or it may be posted back on the thread about the CD earlier this year.
(edit my e-mail address remove "at" and ".dot")

Rick C
Rick Crawford

Mailed a cd to Roger yesteday and to Eric today.
Doug Baker

Good on you Doug - thanks a lot.

Rick - apology completely and unreservedly accepted - please don't beat yourself up any more!!

For those who don't know what this is all about, Rick compiled reams of TR6 technical info, tips and tricks onto a CD which he generously gave, free of charge, to several TR owners around the country. These were then copied by those persons and forwarded to the next series of 'registered' people who then did the same. Not only did he do this, but he initially co-ordinated the whole affair by linking the parties by email (phew!). A huge effort and one sincerely appreciated by many.

I suspect that by now, there could be many more interested in getting hold of a copy. We could just watch this space and see what happens!!! (Rick, you are not up for duty this time!-)

Thanks again

PS when usig the kids' PC I show up as a 'non-person'!!

Roger H

What a guy Doug!!
Thanks my friend and Roger...I would never call you a non-person.
With sore head:)
Rick Crawford


I will be pleased to mail you a copy of the CD. It contains 153MB of valuable data.

Remove XMEOUT. from my mail address and mail me your home address and wait for the postman.

Kind regards,

74, CF13798U0
Erik Creyghton

Eric C
Thanks for the kind offer. It appears our good buddy Doug B. has already sent a CD to Eric de L.
Rick C
Rick Crawford

Hi everyone! I just recently found this list and have found a lot of useful information so far - though I have only just got started with my car (1975 CF36396U). I am always on the lookout for any tips or ideas. Could anyone help me out and send me a CD?

Thanks in advance

Hey All,

It looks like the chain broke between Roger and I. Who knows where the CD I mailed ended up.

Well, to make amends, I will send Alistair a copy.

Ignatius Rigor

Well done Ignatius - that the spirit!
Roger H

Thanks Ignatius

I will be sure to do my part and pass on a copy of the CD when it arrives. Anyone need one? Drop me an e-mail.


Erik, Rick, Doug and all you other guys,

I received the cd today from Doug. Very fast !

Thanks for all the trouble.

Eric de Lange

While I didn't follow the proper protocol and request the CD at the very beginning, I had asked shortly after, but never received anything. If there is anyone out there that could forward a copy, I would be very appreciative. If you'd like, please contact me off list.

Thanks again!
Mark Wright

Sounds like you two need to talk to one another.

WOW Eric, that was fast.

Did not think you dropped the ball Ignatius...thanks.

Rick C
Rick Crawford

Well, I have a few names and addresses now so as soon as I get the CD I will make copies and send them out (by the way, Tom - if you are reading this rest assured that I got your e-mail, but for some reason I can't reply to let you know!) Maybe when those copies arrive people can post an offer to send out copies of their copies?


Thanks Doug - CD arrived safely.

If anyone in this neck of the woods wants one, drop me a line.

Thanks again to all involved.

Roger H

Wow, Roger. I had forgotten just how far it to "Down Under!!" Eric in The Netherlands, got his in about 3 days from mailing and yours has taken over 2 weeks!! Must have something to do with going against the jet stream or something. Nonetheless, I'm glad that you received it. We'd welcome your comments as to its utility after you've had an opportunity to review its contents.
Doug Baker

Hey Doug - the mail's generally not too bad - I must admit it probably sat in my PO Box for a few days before it was collected.

Reminds me of the trip my dear Mum (76 years young) made back from UK a few months ago. She bought back some electrical stuff for me which I had bought on eBay (UK).

The guy packed the gear in a box that once contained fireworks and marked "explo". (which was cut off when he modified the box for packing). It appears the sniffer dogs picked up the scent of gunpowder and the Xray showed up electrical gear when she was in transit in Dubai !!!! Imagine a grandmother standing in the airport with 98% of those around ducking for cover and the other 2% pointing semi-auto's at her!!! In the end, she (and the gear) made it home. (We can smile about it now!)
Since then I've been a bit philosophical about the mail - occasionally you just don't get it.

The CD looks an awesome collection of stuff (with interesting other goodies as well!) when time permits I will have a good look at it - a great resource to have.

Roger H

Interesting and funny story. I am sure you laugh about it now but back then I am sure your Mom wanted to give you a good smack on the side of the head:)
Rick C
Rick Crawford

Thanks to Ignatius - CD received on Saturday. I am amazed at how much great information is on the disc!

I have just put copies into the mailbox, so the people who sent addresses to me should be getting your copies shortly.

Thanks again to all involved.

Hi guys, I've only posted a few times and still feel like a stranger here. I read these threads religously and know that there is a cd running around that seems to be the thing to have. How can I get one?
JM Johnson

Mark- You need to know the secret handshake and only Rick C. has the teaching ability to pass it on.

Gee thanks Don:)
OK who is in Mark's neighbourhood and can fire off a CD to him?
Rick C
Rick Crawford


How do I get my copy?

I'm even willing to drive over and load it onto my laptop if I have to.

Somebody e-mail me if you can get me a copy.

S Demers

I would appreciate a copy as well. I was on some sort of list early on but I think the dog sled broke down. I hear Nanuuk 'the mailman' has a new team of Huskys so if anyone's willing I should get it this time.

Doug C.
Doug Campbell

I think, like the early 4 prong hazard switch, it will be superseded by CD2. Not as easy to use and confusing as heck to hook up!

Alright Rick! I got a great idea. It seems that the cd cycle has been broken. I need one person to pass it on to me and I inturn will pass it on to three more. Mark
JM Johnson

JM Johnson

Hang tight guys.... I am working on CD2. It may be a couple of months but it will be twice the size of CD1. I just found out that the green volume (you know...the one that has been out of print for a number of years and many of you do not have) has been scanned and I am hoping will be on CD2 Not sure on Volume 1 though.

I have also been told that the Bently manual is also scanned. Is this not exactly same as the original Triumph shop manual?? I though/think it is. The manual on CD1 says Bently on the cover but is identical to the hard copy one I have British Leyland Triumph TR6 Shop Manual.

More than willing to get the ball rolling once it is completed. Please give me time to collect and assemble. Remember this is like doing a tub off takes time:)
One further thing. The original CD yes, might have been my idea, but it was not all my doing in amassing the info. Doug B and Charlie B had input not to forget the guys at Chris Trace's winter BBS get together that did the first send out of the CD.
Rick C
Rick Crawford


When you talk about having these books scanned, what format are you using. If this is something that I can do I home, I have a mint volume 1 and a scanner????

As for the Bentley vs. TR shop manual, I was really bored this morning and actually read the first pages of my Bentley. There is note that says the text, pictures and drawings are as in the shop manual but that they have included notes in certain places where the novice might run into a bit of trouble. I did not search out any of these spots because my boredom waned rapidly.


Alistair was kind enough to send a copy of the CD to me - Thank you!
I would be happy to send a copy out to keep the chain going.

Tom C

Hi Tom, You bet I would like to get my hands on a copy. I have a guy who saw my earlier post and emailed me for a copy when I locate one. My only contribution will be to pass it onto other fellow members of the BBS. many thanks, Mark
JM Johnson

The manual that is on the CD is in .PDF format. It is 22.5MB big. It is the BL official shop manual and is intended for skilled mechanics.

I have no idea the format of Vol 2. I will ask. The only concern I have is that we might be infringing on copy rights....1990 copy rights date. I am not a lawyer and have no idea on expiry dates for copy rights if there is such a thing.
Rick Crawford

Hi Mark,
Drop me an address at
Tom C

Tom C, Just when I was thinking everyone had bailed one me, I recieved your copy of Ricks CD in the mail. Thanks a million. You can sure see work it took Rick C. and his friends to compile all that info and work it up on a CD. Not to mention offering it to anyone who wanted one. I think those guys would make great neighbors. Mark
JM Johnson

No problem sending the disk, in the three months of owning my TR this board has been a priceless resource with the most helpful people around.
Tom C

OK so who has not got the CD yet?
Why I ask is because I now have enough stuff to literally fill a CD. As a matter of fact, I have to much. It would fit on a DVD but the only problem is not everyone has DVD burning capabilities so I will have to cut out some extra stuff so all the TR6 related stuff fits.
Ken Jackson just sent me a CD and it is absolutely full of stuff. What I am saying is that I can now start on CD2. While going through CDs that Doug Baker sent to me, I see that there is stuff I forgot to put onto CD1....another DOOH!
CD2 will have more TR6 related repair articles in it. As mentioned in another thread, you have to be a "member" to see these articles. I am removing names from articles not because I want to take away from someones efforts (MAN they put a lot of efforts into some of them) but I only want to protect that person from any potential liability in someone using the article.


Sorry but has to be said.

So If you did not get CD1, wait for CD2.
If you where on the ORIGINAL list for CD1, you will get CD2. I know there are chaps who eventually got the CD via this thread. I do not plan on going through the list above. Please send to me via e-mail a VERY short note saying" yes, I want one" (edit my e-mail address...remove the capitle letters). Please do not send me your mailing address. I do not want it. The person sending a CD to you will ask for it via e-mail. This way there is not a big list of names, addresses, and e-mail addresses floating around in cyberspace. I still have the CD1 original list.
Rick C
Rick Crawford

Rick- What CD???

Don-Good question.
Rick Crawford


Can we put out a contract (we'll paintball their Chevy Impalas) on those buggers who are selling the CD on E-Bay? I'll bet the buggers who are selling those "freebie" CD's don't own a TR6. My experience with this site indicates that no TR6 owner would charge anybody for their knowledge. That's what makes this site absolutely unique - selfless sharing of the TR6 experience. After all, if you've got a TR6 you've got enough problems to solve anyway, without the added burden of those bloodsuckers.

Bob Evans


I thank you for your recognition of my and other peoples work. And we all have to give cudos to Rick for getting the mailing network for the CD's going and we have to hope the network spreads and grows.

As Rick will know, a lot of effort goes into not only the burning of the CD's, but the gathering of the information. I myself, have spent hours upon hours, night after night doing various searches, and emailing businesses, and people to see if they would be interested in contributing information or pictures. Total time would be well over 1000 hours, over a 2 to 3 year period. Much of the information is not easily found, a simple google search on TR6 does NOT list you reams and reams of information. So figure out the value of that at minimum wage, and we do it for the love of the hobby. However there are so many pictures and documents on the net, that it is not possible to even recognise 2% of the origonators.

As for the those selling the Cd's on ebay, I believe they are the workshop mauals only. I hope no one is selling the compolation CD's that many of us have worked to put together, and if you check I believe not many are buying the manuals. Maybe our work is spreading.

To all those interested in the CD's, the only way to get the very best of the information out there is for everyone to contribute. Send in your pictures. If you have articles on technical stuff, send it in. If you have experience in fixing a problem, put it in a word document and send it in. If you have a new and innovative soluton to something, take pics, text in the procedures, guessed it......send it in! If you email them to me I will catalogue them. Not sure if others are able to gather and catalogue items, and I would not want to answer for them.

For those interested in auto related media, I also have many hours of vid clips of racing, from various flavors of motor sports, some of which is Triumph and not currently on a compolation cd due to its size alone. For anyone who has seen the clip of the "old white hemi" and how addictive that one is, it doesnt have to be TR to be intoxicating.

Please I am no way trying to steal Ricks thunder, I am just wishing to let the "Triumph family" know where to find interesting items.

Regards to all
Ken Jackson

ken jackson

Ken is right. It is the shop manual they are selling. They would "hype" up the CD if it had what ours has on it! It would be kinda interesting how many they sell. Unfortunately I can not inform the TR world of the scam. Like I have said, hidden in the CD will be a warning about having paid for CDII.
Ken, The burn is the easy you know:)
I have not spent as much time as you, but am well aware of the effort in accumulating "stuff". I am still wielding a wood club...dial up!
Ken's CD has a great deal of TR related stuff on it. A lot of pics, vids, and .doc procedures. I spent about 2 hours last night going through it. Yes there is duplication, but Ken's contribution to CDII will be all his pics and docs not currently on CDI. I will include other non TR stuff. Yes the white hemi vid WILL be on. MAN! I would have loved to be in it and also be on the side of the road to see and hear:) it go buy. P.S. This vid is/was on CDI thanks to Ken.

My goal with CDII is simple. Fill it with TR related stuff first then, with the room left over, add "the extra stuff". CDII might change in its organization slightly.
Ken no thunder stolen. The bottom line is guys like yourself, Doug Baker, and I have accumulated TR related information that is disappearing and becoming "members only" information on the WWW. ALL this information is readily available to anyone on the WWW. It is there to use. It is NOT there to be copied and sold. Our CD is for personal use and in no way to be copied and sold. It is simply a back up of information on the WWW. Anybody can do what 3 people have done. We have just done it for you and offer it to you for free. There is only one stipulation to receiving CDII. You must pass it on to one or two more TR people....for free of course:)
Rick C
P.S. I have had a few short (thanks Alistair:) replies to CDII. It would be helpful to give me your location so I can organize the send to a little better. No point someone in Canada sending to US then US back to Canada etc. CDI... I know where you live:)

PP.SS. A public Thank you Ken for your input to CDII. I also wish to thank Doug Baker for his help with both CDs. Doug and I e-mail each other daily.
Doug is still trying to figure out the purpose of the extra hole in his boot:)
You guys might want to send Doug a get well wish. He has not been feeling well lately and more test are in order.
Rick Crawford

I have just purchased a 73 in need of restoration, I* think I'll be REALLY needing a copy of the CD. Can someone send it to me?

Doug M
Doug M

I think it is time to start a new page for this. I am running out of room on my page slider.

With the kind permission of Rick and Ken, I have put the CD online for download. I should have plenty of bandwidth, but to make sure I don't get swamped, I won't post the link here - just e-mail me if you would like the web address. The whole CD is 94Mb (in a zip format) or each file can be downloaded individually. I don't want to get sued, so please remember that the CD is for entertainment purposes, and I don't advise you to actually do anything you might find instructions for. If you do want to download, I will take your e-mail as your agreement not to sue me!

The workshop manual is still on the CD, though frankly I would recommend that you buy a copy - it is only $35 or so, including shipping from


any chance of getting me a copy? thanks, Matt

I might as well jump in here too!!

Is there a chance I could get a copy of the CD as well?
Sean McCafferty


If you have a reasonably fast connection, you can download the CD - e-mail me for the link if you are a) interested and b) not going to sue me if you get something wrong and hurt yourself!


I downloaded the from the link Alistair gave me yesterday. I have cable interent and it took less than 5 minutes with a >400KB/sec connection. Totally painless. Good to see many of the articles on the disc I have already seen or archived myself, at least I have been reading the good stuff!

To all those who contributed to the CD1 and upcoming CD2, a warm thank you.


Grateful for a copy of the CD
many thanks. 1973 CF2045.
Jack Daw

I forgot to include my e-mail address - doh!!!!
Doug M

If somebody would be kind enough, I would like to get a copy of the CD.


Marc Girardin
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Marc Girardin

Sorry to be so late to the pary but this sounds like info I could use with my 1970 TR. Anyone with an extra cd? email me at danpitzer @ yahoo . com Thanks!
Dan Pitzer

I also would be grateful for a copy of the cd.
Thank you
Joe S.

I would love a copy. I would be happy to pay for the shipping as well. What do I nee to do?
rick t

I must extend my apologies to Rick and Doug, who put in so much hard work to create the CD. It appears that I misunderstood an e-mail I received and in fact they do not feel comfortable about the CD being posted on the internet. I have therefore removed it.

I have personally posted out at least half a dozen copies of the CD, though, so there must be some people who could post an offer to carry on the chain?

Once again, sorry to Rick and Doug.

Before I respond to this, I will continue my e-mails with Alistair.
Alistair a phone conversation is much better than e-mail. I will give you my phone number, ask for yours and call you back.
Rick C
Rick Crawford

To All
Alistair and I just talked on the phone. Appology accepted but it looks like was not necessary as he was sent a copy of an e-mail ( without my knowledge) that I sent to someone else and thus the misunderstanding.
As said to Alistair, my big concern is this CD being downloaded by an e-bay "bottom feeder" and selling it back on e-bay. Yes, I want this CD to get to ALL TR6 owners.......for free! I have a problem with being taken advantage off. Doug and I put a LOT of time and effort into this CD. I am not comfortable with it being acquired for free then sold.

If anyone has an idea how we can prevent this from getting into the wrong hands, by all means drop me an e-mail. Maybe a trick question only a TR6 owner would know the answer to????
Rick C
PS Alistair, I hope your family trip to FL. is safe and enjoyable. Talk to you next week.
Rick Crawford

This thread was discussed between 31/08/2005 and 17/11/2005

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