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Triumph TR6 - Sad Time

In a week or two I'll be putting my car away for the winter. I'm almost in tears.
However I feel there is such a camaraderie amongst all of us I have a proposal. Really is it fair that some of you in the south get to drive your cars all year? (i.e. Brent from Memphis, Peter from Hawaii, JL from Florida and so on) I think not!!!!!! Therefore in the name of justice and all that is British I propose that out of mourning for all your northern counterparts you would put your cars away till spring.
What do you say guys? Is that laughter I hear?

Doug --- "Sad in Edmonton" with a 73 TR6
Doug Campbell

Doug, I have a modest suggestion. When it is 99% humidity here in coastal south Florida from about April to November, and close to 90 degrees for most of that time, I propose that all ya'll up there, which is anywhere north of me, why don't you guys put your cars in a sauna and try to work on them there? I got my 71 in July and noticed that I tend to drip on it really badly when I just open up the hood and look at the engine! And, have you ever tried to drive a TR6 in the rain, without AC, in the summer down here? It isn't pretty. But, the humidity is coming down here and the temperature too, so soon we can enjoy our cars. I am looking forward to driving it more when we have our winter daytime lows of around 60! Give us a break, and let us enjoy our short time of nice weather.

JL Bryan

John, I'm sorry, but I spent a weekend in San Antonio Texas in July, and it was HOT. Hot like Florida hot, maybe even then some. After a few days of defrosting, and once the color came back into my face and hands, I vowed to retire somewhere HOT. Canada is a big beautiful country (come visit y'all!) but unless you live for ice fishing, the winter days become weeks, become months become.....nice place to visit (or shoot a movie) in June, July & August. Keep in mind, we're further north, which also means the days are much shorter in the winter. You wake up in the dark, buried under snow, you shovel your driveway (hurt your back), arrive at work in the dark, spend the day at your desk and leave when it's dark again and there's new snow in the forecast. Now add to that -20C and a cool northern wind, some slush, freezing rain, bad drivers...

Please John, tell me again about the sauna. (I'm Estonian, kinda like being Finnish, but better! - throw a little more water on those hot sauna stones)

P.S. They make cold beer for those warm days. You should try some, I think you'll like it - they tend to taste better in the garage/sauna. Happy to send you some instant hot coco to try. :-)
Mati Holland

Funny you mention it, Doug. I had to put the top up this morning as it was 52 deg F (11 C) out there and didn't feel like a wind burn. There are probably only 4 or 5 good top down days left this year. We have a Winter here, too, but really with a little 'w' compared to yours! Good thing is sand is used unless there is a major storm threat, and that salt is confined to the Interstates and gets washed away pretty quick.

Don't envy John - the Florida humidty and sea air will make his car disappear if he's not careful! I was born & raised down there, and watched my Aunt & Uncle's MGA go from a restored beauty to rust bucket in about 5 years! I suspect Hawaii is similar, but with acid rain of volcanic origin to boot! At least you can put the car up and do some projects during your L-O-N-G Winter (heh-heh). Cheers!

Zipping the rear window back up.
Brent B

Here in New England I have had 1 top up day and 2 topless in the last 7, the indian summer sometimes is kind. Last year we had snow by thanksgiving and it didn't clear until march. Canada cold Jan. and Feb. so not much work done in the garage until March then hustle like heck to get ready for the spring/summer. In 02' I drove it for the last time on Dec. 20th. Don't know quite what to plan for maintenance this season but the transmission needs attention and I could recover the seats.
Keith Dixon

Is that THE John from Florida?
Looks like he escaped the Sheriff's pursuit after all.

I propose we just start moving south as the winter progresses.

Those of you in the Far North come to my house.
When it gets cold here we go to Brents.
Thence to Johns.

Beer's on John.

How's that work?

Jim (stripping a Spit but enjoying the 6 for a week or two more)
Jim Deatsch

Well, I guess it was too much to ask. Nonetheless if there is one thing positive about putting your car away for the winter, is that it feels like a new car every spring.

And Brent, do what I do, put the top down, put on a leather jacket and a hat, roll up the windows, put the heat on full, and take advantage of every top-down day you can get.

Somebody once asked me if the heater was any good in my car. Told him it's great in the summer.

And John; I wouldn't begrudge you one moment of your driving time. Enjoy your winter!!!

Actually this is the first winter in a while that I haven't got any projects planned for my car. Going to be a long winter!!!!

Doug Campbell

Gotta get in on this one. Sun is so bloody intense in the summer that driving is limited to early morning/late afternoon or cook. Winter is the best time to drive but then the rain comes (ever seen tropical rain !) so it's always a glance at the sky and when you get it wrong you are glad of those 3" drain holes in the floor. Big projects never get done because you never want the car down in case it's one of those perfect days. No, we don't shovel snow (but we can if we go up the mountain) I guess we have our share of glorious days, but we never have the fall colors, just flowers all year.I too have a sauna garage - when the sweat drips on red hot bodywork and sizzles - oh for a nice chill in the air ( but not minus 20). Some of the harsh realities of life in Hawaii.
Peter G 74 TR6 (w/ no top)
Peter Gooch

Doug, yesterday down here was almost like our first day of fall. The temp was under 80, just barely, when I was driving home, and the humidity was pretty low. It was a cloudless, beautiful night, so out came the TR6 for a nice drive. It almost felt cold! Sadly, I learned that my rear lights aren't working right now, so if the weekend weather is similar to what we are having right now, I will get the fan going in the garage and see what's going on back there. Also, Peter from Maui is right-up until now, I have only been able to drive the car in the early morning or evening, but our time is about here. As for the rust issue, it really isn't a problem. We never have any of that dreaded salt on the roads, which is where the real problems come from. My little car is garaged, doesn't go out in the rain, and, if it rusts,it will because some prior owner tricked me and covered up some old yankee rust!

Florida is a very nice place to be, from about November to May or so, but it is brutal in July, August and September! My better half, a fomer Hoosier, loved the Florida summers when she first moved down here a little over 20 years ago, but now she can't stand them either. Perfection would be a nice cool dry summer climate somewhere and the rest of the year here!

JL Bryan

Ahh...have the perfect place for you guys...Puerto Rico, the shinning star of the Caribbean. Average temp all year around is middle 80, humidity 60%...rainy season from may through september...20 holidays(locals and USA). Official language is spanish but english is understood""..could also use hands small town have road signs also in french...!!!speed is in mph but distance is in km..!! Is that considered a "metringlish system"? We are not perfect but we are trying...and when your car breaks down, a sipping on rum is handy trying to figure out the problem. My British Toy (TR6 1971) can be seen at TR Registry, the only one listed from Puerto Rico...enjoy your hibernation...
Angel L. Traverso

Oh SURE Angel, rub it in.

I was in your country in March and found it quite nice. I wish I would have had my TR6 and not had to ride with the "rode por la pista a conductor" if I translated that closely enough.

Now, we just need to get you to register or you'll have to go norte and speak to John.

Jim Deatsch

Listen to the man, Angel! Before you know it, you'll be listed as "A.L. from P.R." or something like that!

And the last time I was there, about 5 or 6 years ago, it was a truely beautiful country. Except for the armed guards at the hotel who kept people from coming onto the property from the beach. That kind of scared me!
JL Bryan

Hey Angel

Had a look at your car and if that's your house it is in front of; you are now my new best friend. Of course this means I'll be down for a 2 month stay this winter to visit my new buddy. Stock up on rum.

Doug Campbell

Hi guys!
I grew up in Africa, what used to be called Rhodesia, and that was a great climate for British cars. A local radio station had a feature called " weather in a word" , either "nasty" or "nice", and it was nearly always nice. We had 2 seasons, the dry season for 8-9 months, and the rainy season for the other 3 months.
It was not unusual for people to drive fan/mily cars 10-15 years old, there was little reason to change.
Because of colonial ties to Britain Triumphs, Healeys and MGs were very common....the good old days!
I think here in Canada British Columbia is the place to own a sports car, great mountain roads, mild winters. Maybe I'll get another couple of drives in this fall.
Simon Rasmussen

The cold weather has arrived here in Montreal. It was about 40 - 45 F (8C) today and I lowered the level in my pool for the winter. It'll be frozen solid from November till April. Yesterday the city workers started digging up my street for new pipes (They have been there only 35 yerars) and there is nothing but heavy machinery, mud and dirt from curb to curb (or "kerb to kerb" as the Brits write it) so I guess I'll abandon all ideas for more rides this year in the TR.

Here in La Belle Province du Quebec, we get back 5 or 6 months pro-rata of the annual registration fee for the licence plates (tags if you're American) when we take the car off the road for the winter months and a huge refund for winter storage from the car insurance company.

Winters up here also give us the opportunity to get everthing top-notch for the next summer driving season. This summer, I drove TRusty 8288 miles. The last 4 summers totalled 35,095 miles. Of that, about 98% was top-down.

With weather like this, we have to be positive and optimistic. I think that's one of the traits that make Canadians what they are.

Don Elliott, Original Owner, 1958 TR3A
Don Elliott

Wisconsin also has pro's & con's but we're only too hot for garage duty during our few days of Summer (from a guy that grew up thinking St. Louis Swelter was normal. Lake Michigan (a couple of miles east) helps extend fall, but as a daily driver the TR6 top has to be up for the dark mornings approaching 0 C. November through March is good garage time (and that's about it!)

Unfortunatly, I currently only have garage space for two cars. My better half better keep her half and I'm already tired of scraping frosty windows on the backup car. I'm sad storing the 6 for two reasons. Like many that means many fewer drives even when the weather permits. It will also be harder to work on my long list of maintenance & repairs.

On the bright(?) side, we're currently house-hunting for a new place (her wants) but I'm insisting on a toy box for the Triumph. When we're done, that'll be great. For now, I don't want to start anything major as I don't want to move the TinkerToy in pieces.

Comiserating, Charlie
EC Smith

Hi guys; You'll notice us California guys have too much savoir faire(?) to mention our perfect seventy five degree days all winter.

in upstate SC, we're still wearing shortsleves. Forecast for next week is 70s during the day, 50s at night. Still convertible weather here. Our winter is from about the last week of Dec to last week of Feb.
w Holtzclaw

Of course Joel, you didn't mention that.

Course you DO have a tad bit of fog. <G>

Jim Deatsch

To Jim from "Nueva Yol" I am a member of this forum, problem is that I am using a different ISP,to Doug Campbell,yes it is my house and there is always plenty of moonshine...everyone is welcome...guess this forum will be renamed "Top-down weather adviser"
Angel L. Traverso

When I bought my GT6 you could throw a tennis ball in one rocker panel and, if it didn't bounce off the shift lever and fall out the driver's side floor, it would fly out through the other rocker. So, I welded on a bunch of new sheet metal and slathered the bottom with epoxy, drove it right through last winter and I'm planning to drive it through this one as well. As far as I'm concerned there is nothing more fun in the snow and slush. And these cars certainly supply plenty of heat to the cockpit.

Don (the guy who smells like starting fluid)
Don Gardner

This is a great thread! Shows that there really isn't a year-round PERFECT place to drive a TR6 when all aspects are considered. Angel can't take a 300 mile trip (unless doing laps). Frosty in Canada, wet in England, dull in Tennessee, Don has wet pants, and so on. But we all have fun, Cheers!

Brent B

One last thing. I love this car in excess of any other I have owned, and given ANY chance, I'll drive her.Tonight, the rain stopped and was all stars, the air was warm and I whooped my way home, except I did'nt want to go home - I just kept driving.I think you all love your TR's and make the best of what you've got. Peter
Peter Gooch

Hey Jim; Fog schmog. When you have governor Schwartzwhatever you don't want to see where you're going.

Laughing out loud here now Joel.

Schwartzwhatever? Why notenever?

I recall, back in the OLD days, when Reagan ran against (and beat) Jerry Brown for govenor of California, there were bumperstickers that read:

"Why not an actor? We've had a clown for 4 years!"

I loved it.

Course I can say that now. I'm in Neu Yawk state where it makes not a WHIT of difference who's in power cause it's still screwed up.

Not that I have an opinion or anything.

Jim Deatsch

This thread was discussed between 15/10/2003 and 19/10/2003

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