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Triumph TR6 - Shunpiking
Shunpiking Noun: The practice of avoiding superhighways especially for the pleasure of driving on back roads. Example: For our fall foliage trip, we decided to indulge in some shunpiking and stay at a bed-and-breakfast along the way. |
EC Smith |
EC So when you go for a drive with the wife, do you say "lets go Shunpiking"? If I said that to my wife she would deffinitly look at me with her head slightly leaning to one side and say "HUH!" We do not have fancy turnpikes up her in Iglo country. Back roads.... yes. Back roads tend to have less citiots on them. Citiots Noun. City folk who drive like idiots. I see them arrive in town every weekend. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Like they never saw a tree or a lake before, eh? |
Tom |
Tom It is not so much that they drive like the old folk (still thinking they are in the model A on dirt roads) it is more that they think they are still in the big smoke (Toronto) and you HAVE to beat the guy infront of you to your destination. After all, you want to be one car parking spot closer to the ski hill don't you? It also makes me laugh during the winter months...they get up here in their huge SUVs and think that it is still summer driving conditions. Does the salesman at the dealership tell them " dry road, ice road, snow covered road.. drive it the same"? Sorry for the rant...one of my pet peeves...bad drivers. EC, that trip sounds like it was good fun in the 6. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Reminds me of a time I was going 50 in a 55 zone near the "big city". This annoyed the guy behind so much, he raced by in his 15 year old Tercel, giving me a 5 5 hand signal. He didn't see my signal saying that was the limit, not the requirement. I hope he wasn't late for his appointment. OK, one more. We were driving down the interstate one snowpacked day, the only lane that was safely usable was the left one. Just keeping up with traffic. This geezer (musta been 80 if a day) in a near new Caddy BLOWS by us on the right. A few miles later, there he was, in the ditch. Amazingly, he got out and passed us again maybe an hour later, the road there being safe enough to go the 90 or so that he was doing. No time to waste at that age, I guess. |
Tom |
My favorite was watching this guy try to get by a "pod" of cars on the expressway here. He became very frustrated and kept changing lanes if one of the front cars started to open up any lead. After 20 seconds he finally got to break through, and he flipped off one guy, cut in front of him missing the bumper by about a foot, and sped off. I thought the guy was really a moron. The officer in the unmarked police car that had been flipped off thought so, too. Twenty minutes later when I was going back in the other direction there were two patrol cars and a tow truck at the ramp where dude was pulled over. There is such a thing as instant Karma. |
Brent B |
GEEESS you guys...don't get me started! A month ago while driving down to the big smoke I got on to what we refer to as 400 series HWY ( 2 or more lanes either direction). I was in the middle lane of 3. I looked in my rear view mirror then left side to see this "NXT GEN" what ever too load low slung bright car going from inside lane to outside lane. I swear, he had to be doing 190 KPH/120MPH...it was like I was sitting still as he passed me on my left. (speed limit 100 KPH). Just ahead of him he had to jump on the binders...way to slow for him ZIP he goes to the inside lane..still to slow so over to the shoulder he goes and takes off...GONE! I kept looking in my rear view mirror expecting to see a line of cops coming down the road after him but no. I could not even get his plate # to place a 911 call. I can only hope someone else did. The sad part is, he will probably survive the crash he will cause. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
I just wish that each year when the snow season is about to begin, billboards would appear all over the place with the one of the following messages: 4WD DOES NOT MAKE YOU STOP ANY FASTER ! or SUVs REQUIRE MORE STOPPING DISTANCE THAN CARS ! or THE SUV YOU ARE IN IS TOP HEAVY ! or YOUR KIDS *MIGHT* BE SAFER IN YOUR SUV, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN THE CAR YOU CRUSH ? I guess you all know my pet peeve now.... |
T. M. Brex |
T Brex, that's a good idea and it would probably save lives. However, where I live I think the billboards are reserved for the casinos. (...trying to hide my pet peeve) |
c.a.e. emenhiser |
July 4th couple of years back, one of the hotest days of the year.Driving north bound on the main artery out of the city on a Friday afternoon of a long weekend.Everyone wants to get to their cottage 4 hours ago.I'm in my 6000lb cargo van, I'm in the center lane of three lanes my exit is coming up in a mile so signal to enter the far right hand lane, 2000lb black Honda Civic with pin head at the wheel sees my signal and zooms up to cut me off. I guess he thinks I want to get to the cottage 3 seconds before him. He honks and then slowly eases back a car length , I think he's going to let me in so I speed up and start to merge into his lane my signal has been on for 15 seconds by now. I'm halfway into his lane when I notice he's speeding up to cut me off again, too late I'm already there. To keep from rear ending me he pulls over onto the paved shoulder and races up beside me and calls me every name in the book, my passenger starts to laugh at him, so pin head slams his Civic into the side of my Van twice as hard as he can and knocks me half way back into the center lane which luckily was empty. I had a momentary thought doing alittle demo derby and bump this guy clear off the highway and into the forest but restrained myself. Two cars that were in front of me had been watching all this and staggered them selves in the right hand lane and shoulder so this guy couldn't get away and we all pulled over together. I won't bore you with all the screaming that insued, however, the car behind the pin head was an off duty cop with his girl friend on the way to his cotage, he saw the whole thing. Sometimes they are there when you need them. I never did follow up on what happened to him, I know he went to jail that night and was criminaly charged. Just hope they took his licence away for awhile. |
Christopher Trace |
Great story Chris. Just have to tell you that every time I see your email addy I think of this song I play occasionally in our jazz band. It's called Cat Race, goes like a bat outa hell. Just thought you'd get a kick out of that. |
Tom |
This thread was discussed between 03/12/2004 and 10/12/2004
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