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TR parts and Triumph parts, TR bits, Triumph Car Spares and accessories are available for TR2, TR3, TR3A, TR4, TR4A, TR5, TR6, TR7, TR8, Spitfire and Stag and other TR models are available from British car spares and parts company LBCarCo.

Triumph TR6 - SPRING !

Spring has sprung here in Ontario...I just got back from a 5o mile run with my new hub bearings...and no noise !
Blue sky and sunny ! C'mon summer !!

Happy TR6'ing

Charlie B.

Charlie.......what is that white stuff????

Don't know about you but my igloo is still frozen.
Rick Crawford

Just went on a 500 mile drive today up into Eastern Oregon (Wallowa Lake) on a planning trip for our club's "Summer Tour". 3 of us went, we weren't sure what to expect as far as weather and roads, so we drove the TR-uck. Lake is still frozen over, but it was nice to get out and see where we're going this summer!
happy moToRing!

Rod Nichols

Hi All

Only -6C today in Nova Scotia, sadly some of my front parts did not arrive, but I got my rotars back from the machine shop, they skimmed them for only $30 Cdn and they tell me that there are problems. So I cleaned and painted the hubs and inner rotar, cleaned and greased the bearings and now they are back on the car. Also installed the radiator protection shield.

I was trying to align the brake pipes from the front 3 way connector to the PDWA and could not work out why they would not line up with the PDWA (different threads)so I checked out the Rimmer catalogue and then I noticed that the pipes actually cross over.

So know I have to wait for the postman to arrive with the goodies for next week.

So chaps Happy Easter and look forward to a great spring.

lw gilholme

To All

The postman arrived today, and so tonight I installed the Good Parts steering rack mounts, also installed the front sway bar with new links, and last but not least the rotars and hubs went back on. Spring might not be here in the weather sense but it is now here in spirit, did I mention its time for a malt....tonights selection is a Jura Superstition from the Isle of Jura.

Have fun

lw gilholme

Let me recommend a recent addition to the world of single malts...Pebble Beach, 12 y/o. Odd name indeed and yes, it's named after the famous golf course in Monterey CA. Heavily sherried with some maltiness and a bit of peat but honey and heather is there too. Kind of a mix of Macallan and Talisker, with maybe a bit of GlenRothes thrown in. Won best of evening at a recent tasting competing with an 18 y/o Glentauchers and Edradour (no year given).
Doug Baker

Brrrr - April oh-One and -8C this a.m. This time last year we were at the marina scraping the bottom of my buddy's boat prior to applying anti-fouling paint. I think the single malt mighta froze in the garage overnight. Geez, did somebody in eastern Canada pi## off somebody in the weather dept? We are gonna have a major crop of icebergs this year and ice means COLD. C'mon Summer!


Bob Evans

Spring, yea,got 4 on each car and lots in the mattress!

If it's still that cold out in Paradise c'mon to my place... +11 today and sunny and the car ran great !!
I've got some rum !

Charlie B.


Sounds good! Going snowmobiling tomorrow - April 4th - this is crazy! I'll need an excavator to get the snow from in front of the garage door. Will post a pic Sunday. Winter really sucks - the worst ever!

Bob Evans

Just got back from a week in Aruba...Ahhhh... all inclusive is great! The beer and booze was flowing.. sunny and 85 every day. I met alot of Canadians at the resort. I heard alot of belly aching about the snow up there. Nothing that a few "wobbly pop's" and sun didn't cure. Alot of people from east coast USA too.

Today and Sunday are forecast to be sunny and 60. All traces of snow are gone!!! I think I'll get the 6 out of hibernation. Looking forward to another season of driving.

HP Henry Patterson


Glad to hear that you had a good time in Aruba.

Thought that I would have a day in the garage, but it was not to be....her indoors wants the new bathroom finished, and so it was back to the home renovation zone...bathroom cabinets and molding....Sunday another story....back to the future in the garage, I plan to fit the callipers and put 4 wheels back on my wagon, and who knows if it is pleasant put into the driveway for a bit of sun.

lw gilholme


I feel your pain!! I'd much rather be working on the triumph than finishing a bathroom. For some reason I hate doing the finish work but don't mind the more major stuff with house renovation.

Can you upload some pic's of your progress with the 6?
I can remember when you found it... I think, outside sitting in a field or something like that.

HP Henry Patterson


Just for you some progress pics, everyone please note that I replaced the steering mounts with the "Goodparts" (and the seller from ebay gave me a full no hassle refund..good for "Bluechips".

I still have to work out how to attach pics (more to a thread) but until then please see each thread.

Enjoy the weekend....


lw gilholme

More pictures

I believe that this id the first time that this reincarnation has been on all four since 1993.


lw gilholme

Ok Folks

Just 2 to go


lw gilholme

Ok its the last one....At this time I would like to thank Chris Trace for his kind donation of the frame...Good Karma to you Chris.

If interested I replace all bushes, trunnions, vertical links, spring pads, shocks. calliper pistons & seals, calliper brake pipes, flex brake pipes, new brake fittibg kits, new brake lines, steering rack mounts from Goodparts (the ones I got from ebay were fully refunded with no hassle..thanks "Bluechips". Tie rods, ball joints etc.


lw gilholme

Sure brings back some memories for me. I like the colour of your calipers.
PS sent Chris an e-mail telling him to see this thread.
Rick Crawford


Your chassis looks fantastic! Great job!
Can't wait to see the body.

HP Henry Patterson

Some on this BBS remember the postings of Bill Brayford....and a few years back, he sent me a picture that expressed what his thoughts of winter were in late March. I won't post the picture here, but if anyone is interested, email me and I'll forward it to you. (I wanted to do this a month ago, but the picture was buried in the computer, kinda like waiting for spring thaw?!?!)
...and replace the "dot" with a "." in my email address.
We miss ya, Bill!

Rod Nichols

Seen or heard from Bill?

MYMSTRS comes out this weekend.

Rod, send me the pic please.
Rick Crawford

I sent him an e-mail a couple of weeks response..I'll try calling him in the next few days
I've got 153 miles on mine so far this year...planning on taking it to Ancaster on Sunday 20th

Charlie B.

Looks good Les.

Guess I will have to do a bit of driving to catch up to Charlie. 150 miles already.

Spring there yet Bob and Don?

My 69TR6 is all lubed up and ready for another season. Not sure whether I will put insurance on it this weekend or next. If weather is OK probably will but I am hesitant still with all the winter sand and gravel still on the road particularly on my street here.

Not sure about Ancaster either- May go to Sarnia to help out my Dad on a few projects

Hope we can get together for a tour again this summer.

Mike Petryschuk
Michael Petryschuk

calling for snow and rain showers on Friday night and Sat. morning. Boy are the natives restless!


Went for about a 3/4 hour drive yesterday. MAN did it feel good to get out for a drive. There is still snow on the ski hills but that always last longer as it is man made. Will go for another run today as it is going up to 24*C (75F).

I am sure you chaps south of the border are also going to feel the pinch in how much it will cost to drive out toys. I paid $1.28/L for mid grade gas yesterday. 1 US GAL. is 3.785 Liters. so that is $4.84/US Gal. and that was only mid grade and it is not summer yet!!!! The price of gas is literally going up daily in Ontario!

Rick Crawford

I also went for my first drive last night. The car ran great (once I properly connected the sparkplug wire to cylinder #6).

Stored the car with a full tank last fall so I am still running on cheap gas. But I must say after the winter we had I don't mind paying $1.28/L for finally enjoying some wind and sun.

Now to fill the diesel to go to work at $1.33/L is another story.

S Demers

1" of white stuff today
Somehow i blame Rod

humbug, time to put on the Christmas Lights


Your weather is supposed to get here tomorrow. The TR6 is tucked away in the shop for a few days, at least til this storm YOU sent us passes by. Been pretty nice this last week, daughter & son-in-law were here last weekend from Virginia, got to take a couple of trips across the backyard with my grandson! Send us some warm weather, Don!!!!

Rod Nichols

Ended up with about 8"s. Where art thou o Spring?

You guys better not be sending that.........CRAP this far east! Alberta got hit pretty hard also. Today was absolutely beautiful. There is something wrong with this picture. Her I am saying to an American, south of us, we are having better weather.
I will shut up while I am ahead.
All I hear now is the frogs all night long and the birds start at about 4:15 AM. They are all good sounds though.
Rick Crawford

We had birds ,frogs,and snow!

We had birds ,frogs,and snow! What was really wierd was it was 8;30 still light and SNOWING

Blame it on the global warming
took my car out of storage, got my first
forehead sunburn of the season.
Rick will i see you at Ancaster tomorrow.
M Macdonald

Kinda late to answer but no you will not.
Don, the frogs teeth must have been chattering:)
Rick Crawford

I managed a 60 mile run on Friday night. Great weather here in southern Ontario. But as Rick and Syl say- ouch on the gas prices. It was $1.29 per liter for premium here in town.

Went to Sarnia to help my Dad yesterday so no ride yesterday. Maybe today.

Too bad to hear about your weather Don :-( If it has to stay- keep it out there.
Michael Petryschuk

Warm and sunny...Ancaster car show and flea market another success...lots of TR6's !! saw a really nice one with a corvette engine ! excellent installation under the hood.
A great week-end for top down TR6'ing !! Hope you snow guys get warm stuff sooon !

Charlie B.

Finally.... got the TR out and did 50 miles on Sunday under sunny 10C sky. She ran kind of rough for 4-5 miles before she "hiccupped" and smoothed out. Definitely time to install that new engine. Found a really nice, low-mileage gearbox and absolutely pristine center console for $300. My console had been butchered by DPO for aftermarket stereo. This was a very good find. Life is good, very good.

Bob Evans

This thread was discussed between 22/03/2008 and 21/04/2008

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