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Triumph TR6 - TR6 cd (2)
This is a follow on to Rick Crawford's TR6 Documents thread. In reviewing Rick's distribution scheme it struck me that he must have included every TR6 owner in Canada! There are a total of 40 initial intended recepients. of that, Ontario alone is represented by 37.5% of the intended recepients with two other provinces having 2.5% each. There are 16 states, three provinces and two other countries besides the US and Canada (The Netherlands and Australia). Of the 16 states represented, 12, garner only 2.5% each of the total with 4 getting 5% each. Where are the rest of the TR6 owners in the world??? We hear longingly of California or Arizona cars, but neither of these states is represented. Is the current scarcity of these susposedly rust free jewels because they have all been purchased by Ontario-ians?? Just a thought. When the cd gets exposure, I expect that the list will lengthen to exhaust TR6 owners worldwide:) db |
Doug Baker |
Now I have to ask...What exactly is on this CD. I originally thought it was the TR6 shop manual which I already have. Has this CD grown to something bigger? Maybe I do want it which will bring you U.S. count up to one more. Henry |
HP Henry Patterson |
GGEEEESSS you guys in the States like to complain but your good at math:). Then you hear there is a party goin' on and you want to come to it but it ended 3 days ago! If one was to read my thread you would see that the manual represents only 9.5% of what is on the CD. The CD is 231MB. 89MB of extra stuff was added this week. Unfortunately not everyone will be getting this extra amount. You will be Doug. The Extra stuff will not help you fix your TR6. It is a bunch of movies and pics of cars and some very fast jets. So Doug, I tried to make it so you did not have to send a CD..just a little thanks for sending me stuff to add to it in the first place. But if Henry wants one well....then Henry can send to the next person who reads this then that person can.....well you get the drift. Hopefully they are all in the US:) And by the way..."every TR owner in Canada"? I did not even scratch the surface in Ontario let alone the rest of this great country! In Ontario there has to be over 200 TR6 not to mention the 3s, 4s, 7s,and 8s. Hay.. I can't help it if you guys down in the good 'ol US of A do not feel like getting in on a good thing. OK now that I have had some fun with you. Lets get serious. I was surprised by the lack of interest. But then I guess most guys have a pretty good collection of TR6 stuff. Before I started this I had maybe 5MB of stuff. Then it grew to over 100 MB! So Doug, I shall get your CD off real soon and then between you and Henry you can take the US percentage above us Canucks....well... you will always be below us..sorta' speak:) Cheers Rick |
Rick Crawford |
OK Rick...I'm in! Doug, If you could send it to me I'll send it on to the next interested person. Do I have to learn a secret hand shake before I get it? Just kidding Rick. Henry |
HP Henry Patterson |
Henry, Send me an email w/your snail mail address. When I get the final from Rick, I'll burn you a copy and mail it. All you have to do is "pass it on." db |
Doug Baker |
Henry, Sorry about being a day late and dollar short but if/when you get a copy of that cd, could you send me a copy too? I have a couple of burners and can pass them on if wanted. The fast jets will be an added plus for me! Thanks, Shelley stonefarm@direcway.com |
S.A. Neill |
Shelley- That Stone Farm wouldn't happen to be the vintners, now would it? Don |
Hey Rod Orr check your email your holding up production :) Malcolm |
M Macdonald |
Shelley, No problem. Just email your address to me and I'll send it as soon as I get it from Doug. Henry |
HP Henry Patterson |
If someone would send me a copy, I also have a burner and would be happy to keep the chain going. Doug |
Doug Campbell |
Doug Campbell...you gotta send someone a snail mail address! You can't send this thing through cyber space. It's too BIG!! We'll let Shelly do the honors with you. Just advise where to send it. db |
Doug Baker |
Yes I understand that, and thanks Doug. I was just waiting for a volunteer to send my address to. I'll send it to Shelly. Doug |
Doug Campbell |
Rick: There are 13 TR6's that I know of in the greater St. John's, Nfld area, which includes my town, Paradise - about 4 miles outside St. John's. 12 of these are running drivers and the other is a bit of a basket case the guy has owned for 25 years but it is restorable. There is probably only a handful of other 6's in the province. There are many "B"'s, some Midgets,and a couple of big Healeys and Bugeyes around here plus a couple of nice XKE's and E-Types. Per capita I guess we are doing pretty well here but original Newfoundland cars are rare as the salt air and road salt just eats them. Most came up from the States or mainland Canada. This summer, an even dozen "6"'s should make a pretty sight on our planned 5 hour run around the Irish Loop. Summer sure seems a long way off :( Cheers, Bob |
Bob Evans |
Hi Don, No, Stone Farm was the road we lived on in Wisconsin and I kept it for sentimental reasons when we moved to Washington State. Shelley |
S.A. Neill |
Mr. Baker Thank-you. You managed to get the ball rolling. I guess people thought it contained the service manual only. I will be sending yours out today. Was waiting for Ken Jackson to send me an unbeleivable TR4 in a race. Sufice to say the file will come with the before and after pics. I will contact him and while the snail-mail is doing its thing I can send the MPEG via cyberspace. Bob, It is very intersting just how many TR6s are in Canada considering our shorter driving season. You need to get a pic of that gathering for Charlie so he can put it up on his BBS site. That would be cool to see. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Shelley- When I receive the disk from DINO there is planned a small get togrther at David Johnstons place. He doesn't know this yet. Ignatius and I are planning it. We can drool over David's supercharged 6. I will pass on the disk then.Let me know if your interested. Don |
Hi Don, You bet, just let me know when! I'm also looking for a nice day to road trip out to the coast....interested? Shelley |
S.A. Neill |
If a recepient of the CD will email me, I'll send my snail mail address along for a copy of the CD. I volunteer to send out up to 10 copies of the CD to anyone who contacts me about it, assuming I get it. Is this like a chain letter? Will I end up with 316,254 copies of the CD if all of Canada's TR owners respond? If I break the chain, do I get cursed by an intermitent short somewhere in my car's electrical system? No, wait, I already have that. John |
JL Bryan |
John WOW that is very kind of you.. Thank you. But you know we will have a higher distribution up in Canada. Brian H is planning on burning a bunch and giving them to his TR6/scotch buddies. That has to be at least another 6 more. Since you have the short then if you break the chain expect the goose to do the fly by. Sounds like WA can start there own little club. Ha Don K. You know if you hand deliver you are not entitled to royalties. Have a brown pop for me and say hi to Ignatius. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Rick- I'm to cheap to pay the snail mail. Poor Ignatius,he has to pay to Australia.That might break a guy on a University salary. Don |
JL Bryan, Please look for email from me. I can handle some overflow on your offer of cd burning if you need it. I missed the first opportunity and would like to have a copy. Thanks, Walter |
Walter Dobbins |
JL Bryan, Forgot to login, "non-member" looks so bad. Walter |
Walter Dobbins |
Walter- If your in the Seattle area you can join the group when we get togrther to pass it around. Don |
Hey Guys The Waterloo British Car Club - WBCC is good for 24 copies to be added to the distribution if I can locate them all. Pub Night March 8 I have 8 to hand out. Garage Tour Mar 12 a few more... Thanks Rick C for a great idea and the work to make it happen. Brian |
B.R. Horne |
And I started reading the thread thinking the CD was in reference to ZS carbs.... |
Brent B |
Brian Good lad. I knew I could count on you to keep us on top of the world:) OK you chaps south of the border. The challenge is on. Just to show I want to be fare: "I can copy discs and would very much interested in participating. There are two others here in Danville that will use the same email. So you can put us down to forward six. Thanks, Ashley deAristizabal Danville, Virginia" |
Rick Crawford |
Get me in, hope I am not breaking any copywrite law... There are at least 50 Tr's in sunny Puerto Rico...well here I go again...!!! sorry about you guys in cold Canada...brrrr...enjoing 80+ weather... |
Angel L. Traverso |
Don, Thanks for the invite, When and where. Walter |
Walter Dobbins |
Walter-I haven't confirmed the place yet, the car owner doesn't know he volunteered his garage yet. I am waiting for the CD to show up. I will set up a meeting as soon as everything is set.If everybody is available then it looks like6(?) Don |
Don..... If David isn't in agreement with the meeting place, we can meet at my place.....or I'll meet you halfway between Boise and Seattle. That would be Hermiston, OR. Or how about the All Triumph Drive-In in Olympia in August? Got that car wired up yet? Rod |
Rod Nichols |
Hey Don -- we ain't that far, the pony just has to swim a bit - just think that without us, the globe would have a nasty wobble! I already have several takers for a copy - all "backup" material for stuff we have already got, naturellement! Once again - good on you, Rick and thanks for persisting with what must have been a very time consuming process. |
Roger H |
Rick: Now that I've committed to 12 cars on the Irish Loop run we'll probably only get 6 cars. If so, after I take the pics I'll just double expose the neg and show 12 cars - two of each color! We have wusses here too. A wuss is a guy who thinks a five hour run in his TR6 over traffic free, deserted,twisty roads is too long & too far. We're working on that. Cheers, Bob |
Bob Evans |
Bob long twisty roads are more fun that the flat straight ones. Especially if you have a nice view of the ocean. Have fun. Numbers do not matter. You will all have fun and for the wusses, their loss. Roger You know the rest of the world appreciates you...keeping us in ballance. Thank the lord your water rotates CCW when you flush the LOO:) I tossed a coin to see if it was Don or Ignatius. The CD to the Netherlands leaves east side of Canada...The CD to down under the west coast of US. Just want the pony to swim not have to also walk across the country:) Enjoy and thanks on the distribution. Ya... you might say I put a few hours into it:) You are welcome. Angel, maybe if you talked nice to John in FL; he will send you one. He also likes to rub temperature in our face:) 50..that is a lot! Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
John will be happy to copy them and redistribute them, within limits, but I need one first. And there should be no issues with trademarks. The CD is not trademarked or produced by someone who could get trademark protection, unless Rick claims it, and we aren't doing it to make money. John |
JL Bryan |
I claim nothing. Its' only purpose is to keepem' alive and well. And to have a hard copy of stuff that seems to be disapearing:) And to be distributed no/charge....as long as you send it to another TR owner:) John et al, you know who is sending to you. Send him your snail mail address. You just might get it sooner. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Chris speaking of which,if i don"t hear from Rod Orr shortly i"ll have to send the cd to the next guy on the list David Burrstyn.:) Malcolm |
M Macdonald |
Ah good, I've been kinda wondering what has happened. Appreciate if it is sent to me if Rod does not appear. I have emailed him with my address and have not heard back. If it is sent to me and he surfaces, I will be happy to send to him as well. Thanks, david burstyn |
David B |
Another person forced to go underground becouse of the Crawford CD! Will it ever stop? Don |
"Earth to Rod Orr....come in please!" Maybe he is burried under a snow drift. Malcolm, go for it. David can send one to the missing Mr. Orr....thanks David. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to this BBS and just read about this CD. I would like to get a copy. I have some blank CDs to donate or will be happy to burn some copies to further the cause. Gee - I might even get to be the only person in Arkansas with one! Thanks, Leroy Allen |
LLA Allen |
Leroy- Get in touch with Doug Baker in Alabama. He'll work out something I am sure. Don K. |
Leroy, You've got mail. db |
Doug Baker |
Rick: Got my CD from Charlie yesterday and burned it tonite so Erik's copy heads out across the big pond to The Netherlands on Saturday morning. I'm also making copies for the local TR6 guys up here. Many thanks to you and Doug Baker and CB for your efforts on this project. I'll be buying you an ale or two next time I get back to Ontario. Now.... if you could get together with Steve in Georgia and dream up a way to send parts by CD....:) Beam me up a new diff Cheers, Bob |
Bob Evans |
Hi everyone would like to get a copy of CD. Let me know what I need to do. I can burn cd or supply blank cd's. Thanks Jeff |
JKB barstow |
Jeff What you need to do is send one to the next person who asks for one on this thread:) Any takers on the send to Jeff? Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Greetings all, I have been emailing pics and movies and such to members in the group who have to send out CD'c. The fortunate ones will get the extras if they are added. Some of the pics and such have been taken by myself, while others have been hunted for off the net over the last couple of years. I am willing to pass much on to anyone interested via email. (email, so remember if you have snail mail it will take a while to recieve some of these) This because I dont have a burner. However I am also interested in anyone who has pics, vids, even sound bits to add to the growing library to pass onto others. Can also pass on list of interesting web sites. Its not all Triumph and its not just TR6 of the triumph stuff, as those who have recieved a copy of the old white Hemi can attest. That one is addictive as one of the recipients will agree (eh M??) I only ask that it be virus free. Regards, Ken |
Ken J |
This thread was discussed between 02/03/2005 and 14/03/2005
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