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TR parts and Triumph parts, TR bits, Triumph Car Spares and accessories are available for TR2, TR3, TR3A, TR4, TR4A, TR5, TR6, TR7, TR8, Spitfire and Stag and other TR models are available from British car spares and parts company LBCarCo.

Triumph TR6 - TR6 Fender Length

I'm building a sand-blast cabinet that will take a fender for a TR3 - but then I thought why not check if it will also take a fender for a TR6.

Please let me know the length of the front and the rear fenders.

Don Elliott, 1958 TR3A

Some TR friends have been asking how I'm coping.

I just finished my 3rd Chemo treatment where they attach a bag of intravenous chemo to the permanently installed cathether in my left arm that feeds directly into the heart and then they send me back home where it drains into my system for 4 days. My doctor said this chemo treatment may be the last one for me and that I should look for a bone marrow transplant donor. Since I have 3 brothers, there is a good probability that 2 may be suitable donors and an excellent chance that at least one of them is a donor.

As for the progress on the TR3A that I've been restoring here for Frank Redmond of Toronto, I was out driving my own TR3A all summer (to the TR races in Virginia and TRA in Ohio) and I had done nothing on his restoration since late April. Then in less that 2 weeks at the end of August when I started to feel tired etc, I had no strength to do anything at all. This bone marrow cancer got into the 3rd stage in late August and "WHAMMO". The first two stages of this cancer have no symptoms, so I don't know when any of this really started.

So I have "hired" my brother John who is very mechanical, a neighbor from across the street who is an excellent MIG welder as well as being a mechanical type, a friend who has a nice red TR3A and a fourth friend who drops in occasionally (he owns an MG-TC, MGA, MGB and a TR4 plus a TR3A) which he just bought and wants to learn all about it. I compare it to like we're "OVERHAULING" this TR3A in my "MONSTER GARAGE". My garage is like a boys club-house here. But we're not allowed any swearing, cussing, rough stuff or any verbal insults. We are all recently retired and the chemistry is good between us all, I guess it's a guy thing. They all worked with guys and now they feel it's fun to work with guys again. With my garage in the basement just downstairs, I can supervise the progress and I can tell you that with 3 or 4 guys working, it'll go a lot faster. They are getting paid for their time and Frank will get his car finished in months instaed of years. It should be ready for late spring where I'm sure that he will want to show it at TRA. Frank wants it finished in British Racing Green. It'll look good with the red interior. The frame goes for sandblasting next week then for painting, and when it's back and the suspension is on again, we'll fit the tub and body panels which are all ready patched and stripped etc. for final painting hopefully by the end of January or February.

The guys are going to build me this sand-blast cabinet as well. It's great to have nice friends.

Don Elliott, Original Owner, 1958 TR3A

Don Elliott

Your email address was not shown or I'd have sent this direct...I'm Blood Type O-, universal donor, and I'm registered in the National Bone Marrow Donor Program. If your brothers don't match for whatever reason, advise and we'll confer. There's one catch, because I lived in Europe for awhile in the late 70's, early 80's, I have been constrained from donating blood until the folks decide if the Mad Cow stuff is long dormant or what. I was down to the last pint or so of my 6th gallon when I was caused to suspend donating. May not make any difference with bone marrow though.
Doug Baker

Don, I have some loose TR6 fenders laying around the shop, I'll try and remember to get a measure or two for you when I am there tomorrow.

Doug, I just got back from Huntsville this afternoon. As far as the mad cow impact on bone marrow, it probably doesn't matter. I am also in the donor data bank from being tested as a potential donor for my sister. I was puzzled on this as I too can't donate blood anymore either(exposed to hepatitis thanks to a place in Texas, got a shot, never developed anything, but carry antibodies thanks to the shot, bottom line no donations anymore). I asked and was told that it didn't matter, bone marrow donations operate under a completely different set of rules and constraints.

Hello Don and all TR fans,

TR6 front fender sizes are 60" X 28" . This is a tight measure and you will need to leave room for the gun to get at the ends of the work piece. Rear fenders will also fit this size of booth as they measure about 58" long. It sounds like you have a terrific team there! Best wishes and prayers for your complete recovery Don... we're pulling for you!

Friends out west, Rob
Rob Gibbs

Thanks for the info. Sorry that you did not call while you were here. Next time, holler and we'll have lunch or sample a wee dram and talk LBCs.
Doug Baker

Don ,
My best wishes for a great recovery. I tried sandblasting one of my TR6 fenders and paid for it dearly. The speed of the sand resulted in heat and
warped the metal, at the right angle you can still see the result through the filler, primer and six coats of paint. Maybe TR3 fenders are thicker so it won't show.
When I sand blasted the front fender all I did was feather the rusty area ( just where the rubber seal of the mud baffle meets the inside of the fender)
I did this from six to ten inches away from the metal to keep it from deforming. But I can still still see an ever so slight raised area where I worked it>
Fenders I think should be chemicaly dipped or baking soda blasted so that heat deforming doesn't happen.
Unfortunately the metal is too thin for sand.
Don, don't know if you remember but we met briefly at Brit car day at Bronte a couple of years ago.
Best of best of luck Sir.
Christopher Trace

Yes Chris - I remember meeting you there. I won't be using sand, but glass peen beads which are round and they don't generate heat like sharp sand with the razor sharp edges. When you sandblast a panel with sand, I think of a guy who sets up all his golf balls in a row and then starts to wack the ball towards the panel. The glass beads won't do that. It may take a little longer, but the panels don't distort. I did my TR3A this way and it came out fine. Look below at the photo 2nd from the right on the top line.


Don Elliott

Don ... Seems to me what you have going on in the garage is what some of us would call ... Heaven!! A group of like minded, goal oriented, enthusiastic skilled people working on a project that they all want to be involved in? And its going to run soooo well when its done ...mmmmmm! Does it get any better?

The closest thing I've had was university days in Ottawa in the mid 70's when I "worked" for Grierson Race & Rally and we built and rallied a Mini and a Fiat X1/9 (now that's an odd couple!!) We all spent more sleepless nights welding, building and rebuilding and so on and on ...!! What a blast!!

Hope everything works out well! There are a lot of guys here who I'm sure are pulling for ya and who would help any way they could ... just a little tough getting to Montreal for a couple of hours work after dinner and still make it to the office at 7:00 AM!

Sid Turner

Sid - Thanks for your encouragement and you kind words.

Don Elliott, 1958TR3A

BTW, if you need your fenders glass peened, I can do them Thursday evening in the new cabinet. All you have to do is drop them off. HA ! HA !

Don Elliott

Don .. I do have Friday off ... but that "little" project won't happen until next winter. Hopefully I can find a convenient spot out here to do the job ... but if that proves to be too difficult then it might be time for a road trip!!

In other words ... watch what you wish for!

Sid Turner


Always enjoy your words of wisdom. Will be soda blasting the TR6 over the Winter. Have a great holiday season and a happy and Healthy New Year.

'76 TR6
Bob Evans

Doug, tried e-mailing you at an AOL address from the "wee dram" discussion some time back, then got to H'ville and saw multiple Doug Bakers listed. Thought that since I hadn't heard back from you, the multiple choices and what wound up being a short rope of time, I'd let it ride for that trip. Drop me a line at and let me know which one would happen to be you. I do have data on the results of a construction project, driving rain, afternoon rush hour on Governers near 431 and racoon in the transformer combination. Talk about a mess.....then there was the upcoming Ducky Doolittle event controversy.


Thanks for your note. See email.
Doug Baker

Mr. Elliott,
I am glad to hear you are getting about and wish you all the best.
We have all missed you and your good advice here on the BBS.

I do not think there is anything more important than family and friends.

Also, this BBS never ceasses to amaze me. What generousity and kindness!

When we have the 3rd annual winter BBS get together, we shall offer a toast to you....a 100% recovery!

Get well Don.

Best regards
Rick C

P.S. I/we expect to see you at Bronte again in 2005! I think Louise and Trusty will make sure of that.
Rick Crawford


The frame is back from the paint shop along with about 10 boxes of black painted parts. The tub will go for sand blasting next week followed by the BRG paint.

Towards the end of November, my Oncologist said that the third Chemo treatment might be my last. When I went to see him on Dec. 23rd, he told me the bone marrow cancer had gone. Well it never really goes, but for now it's gone. So no more Chemo. They took out the cathether from my arm too.

Now they have me on Thalidomide (2 tiny pills before I go to bed). Yes the same Thalidomide is making a come-back for other applications.

In non-clinical tests among about 100 doctors who have been tracking 100 bone marrow cancer patients like me, about 30% had the cancer stay away with Thalidomide. It never came back.

Also in about 20% of the cases, the secondary Amyloidosis started to receed. This is a built-up of Mono-clonal Protein which appeards as a thickening of gelatin all around the heart, the liver and the kidneys. Mine is mostly around the heart and it keeps the heart from pumpimg as it should.

The 3 experts said that in a few months if I get my strength back, they might re-consider me for the bone marrow transplant.

Last week I walked in the mall with the Morning Walkers, 2km, 2 km, 5 km and 6 km. This week I only did 2 km. My legs are really sore.

Thanks to all for you support and kind wishes.

Don Elliott
Don Elliott

Hi Don!
I second what Rick Crawford said! Hope to see you around this summer, and look forward to seeing Franks's car.
Simon Rasmussen

Hey Don, keep on truckin , I expect to see you at this years Brit car day at Bronte. Fight it!
Christopher Trace

This thread was discussed between 08/12/2004 and 07/01/2005

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