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Triumph TR6 - TR6 owners age?
Having just got home this evening I had a call from my Son in England who is just approaching his 18th birthday to tell me that he had just bought a 1974 Triumph Dolomite Sprint, Now I know this is not a true Triumph but it prompted the thought How many young Kids would ever consider a classic car as their first vehicle?. It is so much cheaper to run and insure than a new Throwaway import car and although the mileage is limited we are talking England not Texas. And led me onto another thought, What is the average age of our members? and who can claim to be the youngest? I must be bored tonight, I am 52 going on 38! Who else will tell the truth! |
Clive P |
Clive ... check the Nov 2004 thread "Tr6 for old guys only?" and add 2 years. You'll be pretty close. Me? I wasn't in that thread. 50! SID |
Sid Turner |
Unfortunately past threads can not be brought forward. There are a lot of new guys on this BBS. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
Clive, I would never have guessed your age! I'm almost 56 (next month), going on about 25. My body has aged a lot more than my mind in those years! John |
JL Bryan |
Clive How do you figure out a Dolomite Sprint isn't a real Triumph? it's every bit as much a Triumph as the Spitfire and the TR6 and one of the best [and fastest] cars Triumph ever made, unfortunately they rusted as fast as the rest of them as well. It was also the first production car in this country with 4 valves per cylinder. The reason most youngsters don't go for 'classic cars' is image, in this country at least it's seen as a hobby mainly for middle aged men. Ron |
R. Algie |
Clive In the UK (you may remember)there used to be a comedy show called "Never mind the quality, feel the width", shows my age (52 nearly). I think that "never mind the age, its whats in front that counts (Str86)" should be our saying. I think its never to early to own a classic, when I think back on the cars that I have owned. Ford Anglia 105E, Mk 1 Capri, Hunter GLS, VW Beetle 1300S just to name a few. The Hunter I absolutley thought was great compared to the Ford Cortina 1600E. When I was young I thought that the TR range (not the 7) was the sleekest machine around, and now I have the opportunity to restore a TR6 to a driver, and I look forward to that day (4+ years). Les |
lw gilholme |
I remember seeing a Dolomite Sprint with a spoiler, air dams, fat tires and a strange flourescent orange stripe down the sides. This was on the M1 near Sheffield at about 2 am and it was running down an E-type Jag. They passed me at way better than a hundred and the Sprint had the Jag pulled over less than 2 miles later. I also remember the police in Cambridge had a Daimler sports car that was a lot faster than my souped up Sprite. Joe Justice |
Joe Justice |
Clive, Follow Sid's advice and check the archive. I turned 60 yesterday. Bought my first TR (a 250, new in 68) when I was 22. Should have kept it...didn't. Before that I had an Austin Healy Sprite that I purchased at 19 and before that my very first car of my very own was a 1952 Ford that I converted to OHV by putting a 312Cu" '63 1/2 Police interceptor engine into. Probably the most powerful, fastest car that I will ever have owned, but very short lived. The Sprite was the first LBC that I could find that I could affort. After that, a military career and moving about the world did not tolerate having a LBC. No time to work on it and less $. Now that I'm well into a 2nd/3rd career and geographically somewhat stable, I've returned to LBSs with my 71 TR-6. I would have preferred a 250...couldn't find one; or a Healy 3000...too expensive. In another year or hopefully less, I'll have this one back on the road and I'll be better able to comment on whether the thrill of driving is still there. db |
Doug Baker |
Clive, I bought my first new car at age 25, a blue TR6 in June 1972. I've had it ever since. It was totalled and restored to like new about mid way in ownership. Still working on it when it needs it, have a couple of boxes of used spare parts as you can imagine. It's just great owning and driving a TR6. Get out the calculators, I'm ____ now. Walter |
Walter Dobbins |
Gents: As a former TR owner and old f--- I have followed all these postings with great interest and of course some nostalgia.Here are some of my recollections: In 1969 I bought my first car, a '65 TR4,(signal red/ black). I was 22 at the time( do the math).Out of necessity I learned a lot about TRs' very quickly(sound familiar?). This car was my daily driver, all year 'round. The first mod.I recall was putting on a set of BF Goodrich fabric-belt radials(tube-type yet!)Suffice to say that to recount my motoring adventures,particularly in winter, would fill more space than is available here. My overall recollection was that when it broke down(a given)it was at least repairable. In 1972 I answered the siren call, I bought a brand, spanking new TR6(damson/tan)(meanwhile, I still had my 4.It was up on blocks in a rented parking stall at my apartment building).I picked up my 6 in October and it, of course, was my daily driver. I had some adventures during the first winter but, as I recall, on full choke it would always start, at least down to-15C and traction in snow was good. But it didn't like the hot summer weather. The constant stalling was very frustrating. What good is a top-down roadster on a summer day if it won't go?!. So I sold it in Aug.73 for what I had paid for it. I took the 4 down off the blocks, put in a fresh battery and started her up. The months of storage hadn't been kind so I did a resto on the body and had the engine re-built and balanced( a noticeable improvement) The ole 4 was again my daily driver for another 2 years. About that time I began to feel that I was too old for a sports car so I sold the 4 and bought ....wait for it, a used Volvo 142S!(I could at least tweak the Stromberg carbs). So 30 odd years and several different cars later, what am I looking to buy? A TR of course! (I hope I havn't been too long -winded). Dennis |
dennis |
Clive, I was 22 when I bought a '73 TR6 (in 1975)! Lost my mind and traded it on a '76 Midget a few years later! Kept that one for 95k miles and parted with it in '95. A lot of water had passed under the bridge when I bought a '73 TR6 this past March (looks like I must be 52). Thirty years later and I still had that same excited feeling when that sweet six cylinder fired up! I believe you must be older and wiser ( with extra cash) to fully appreciate these cars! Mike |
Mike Calhoun |
Old very old |
Dick Porter |
Ron I stand corrected,whenever I think of Dolomites British Leyland always springs to mind but never seems to be associated with the sportscars although they took control in about 61, you are right it was a proper Triumph and a very quick one at that, as for the first production car with 4 valves per cyl I think that the Ford Escort mk 1 RS 1600 beat it in 1970. I did my apprentice training with Broadspeed and remember the RS before the Sprint nevertheless look forward to driving my sons car back home, Need to start saving now, not for the air fair but the Gas $7 a gallon and we are complaining. Thanks for all the replys Clive |
Clive P |
My Wife tells me my TR is a lot like me. Engine is strong but body starting to go. 40 yrs old. |
Marcello |
68 NEXT WEEK. [Wouldn't YOU remain "anon"..........?] About 9300 mi. last summer ['76 TR-6] |
Anon |
Clive: I participated in the last thread too but I'm 53. Bought my first TR when I was 20 or 21. Memory is fuzzy. Bob '76-6 |
Bob Evans |
I bought my first LBC when I was 23. It was a brand spanking new '69 MGB british green roadster, wire wheels and overdrive. Lots of fond memories. I recall hanging around Dave Jackson's garage in Oshawa ( I was probably a pain in the b...)to learn about them. I won't ask anyone to do the math, I am 59. I have had my '74 TR6 for the last 3 years, and love to drive it. I have a soft spot for british cars, and before I bought my MGB, I wanted a Healey, but could not afford one then, and can't now!! Cheers Pete |
Pete Russell |
I was stationed in Germany when a fellow squadron member bought a brand new '54 MG, TD I suppose, as it had steel wheels. Finally,in 1999, I bought my first MG, a 79 B. Since then, I revived a '69 Midget (I found it difficult to get into and out of) then an '80 B. Now I'm working on a 71 TR6. A pile of junk, my wife says. No imagination. I'm 74, still willing, but not so able! |
Kyran Mackey |
What a bunch of old farts here.... I learned to drive a stick in a MGA in the early 70's. On Daytona Beach, no less. Had a MGB in college and a few years afterwards until my son was born. Not a great a family car, it stayed outside, so was eventually sold. Got the bug again and went looking for another MG at a small shop in Delaware where I lived. He flat out told me that his B's were not that good, then asked if I'd ever driven a TR6. I hadn't, but once I had, it had to be mine. That was 15 years ago and I wouldn't trade it for an XKE or AH (but no one's offered). Like most of you I get comments almost EVERY time I drive it - along the lines of "I my best friend used to have one" or "I had a boy friend that had one". They always have the wide grin of recalling good times. Keeps this 51 year old fart going strong... |
Brent B |
First car at 16 was a '62 mini 850...then at 20 yrs old in the early 70's I bought a '61 TR4..loved it and had it for 2 yrs but back then it was only a 10yr old car..so I sold it... still regret it...Many GM's and (aghh a Ford ) etc in between with kids etc...now I own a'75 TR6 which I've had for 4yrs now....I love it..the feeling you get driving on the back roads and cruising at 70+ on the highway is great ... By the way I'm 53 Charlie |
Charlie B. |
In 1990, I was driving south on the M42 on my way back from Canley where I had attended the unveiling of the Triumph Monument, I passed a Triumph Dolomite Sprint. It looked very original. As I passed it, I looked at the driver and I would guess that she must have been close to 75 years old. To her, it was a means of transport, nothing more. I bought my first car when I was 20. I paid cash. I had been working at Canadian Pratt & Whitney Aircraft for 3 years since I finished High School. It was a brand new 1958 TR3A. I still have it. It's now 47 years old. Now you go figure out my age. Don Elliott, Montreal, Canada See you at Bronte Creek http://www.britishcarforum.com/ubbthreads/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1919&sort=0&page=0&sortby=&sorttime=&sortdir= http://www.britishcarforum.com/ubbthreads/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1920 |
Don Elliott |
BrentB, was this shop in Newark? A friend of mine was working on yet another degree at UoD about that time frame. He has a 1966 German spec MGB (steering lock, rudge nuts, Becker radio, etc). He was telling me about this small shop he used to deal with. They had a decent inventory of MG parts, but as far as cars went they had a better selection of Triumphs than MGs. The British car soft spot, I think it is in my heart but have been informed from time to time that it is really in my head. I started looking for either nice MGB or a TR250/TR6 as a reward for surving too many years just for a few pieces of parchment. I missed out on a very nice TR6 that had been a one owner in Smyrna GA, then moved back to Texas and found the one I have now in Waco. It had been bought by this guy for his kid to take to school. The kid decided on Vanderbilt which doesn't allow underclassmen to have cars on campus so on the block it went. That was in 1988. Now at 51, that differential is so much heavier than it was when I pulled it out for a reseal just after I bought the car and I swear that my jackstands have gotten a bit shorter over that time too. |
SteveP |
I use to swap my '76 Capri II with my friend's TR6 back in high school and I've wanted one ever since. I'm now 42 and currently own 2 TR6's which I bought within the last 11 months. That great feeling of driving a TR is just as strong as it was 25 years ago. |
Gene |
I'm about 5 years older then my TR6 with commisionnumber CC80951U. For you guys it will not be a problem to figure out my age. I think the TR6 is in a better shape then I am. I runs faster anyway !But at the moment I myself sound a lot better, cause the 6 has an broken of (stainless steel) exhaust. Eric |
Eric de Lange |
Hey SteveP. I lived in Newark at the time, but the shop was in Wilmington on Pennsylvania Ave (Kennet Pike). He did move around a bit, though, and may have been in Newark after '91 when I left. The original shop is long gone. |
Brent B |
I was almost 15 when my TR6 was built and it is in much better shape than I am. 46 in Nov. Remember Steve Austin from Six Million Dollar Man from 74? What I wouldn't give for a bionic back. It doesn't have to lift a 5000lb, just not hurt! And while I'm at it how about some new eyes that don't have floaters roaming about. The Toronto Triumph Club's British Car Day is coming up on the the 18th of Sept. Over a 1000 Brit cars are expected, hope alot of you can can come. See you there Chris |
Christopher T. |
Anon NO!....you should be proud to be driving a TR6. I hope I am still driving my 6 at 68 (14 years from now). By then my 6 will probably have to go through a second restoration! Maybe I can talk my grandson into helping me then:) Do I dare say MY MSTRS will be 48 then? Chris, getting real close to starting a new thread on Bronte and meeting times for the trip down. Oh ya...put 70 miles on my 6 this weekend...ya..ya..I know. Finally Eh Rick? My oil pressure is almost scary:) Look forward to seeing you again Don E. Rick C |
Rick Crawford |
My parents bought my 72' TR6 in 1979 when I was 9. My mother gave it up when I was in high school because she didn't trust it. So it became my car in high school (16-18) and I've had it ever since. My dad sold it to me for $1 after I came home from college. My parents still can't believe I have it running and that I've become a british car hobbyist. |
MB Mike |
I waited well into my second childhood to get my first TR...wanted one since I was 16 (30 years ago), finally the better half said do it now or for ever hold your peace (that and the diamonds I bought her!) she got her diamonds and I got mine! see you at Bronte bob 76-6 (Ontario version) |
Bob Craske |
Bought a brand new red TR6 in the summer of 1973 when I was 18 years old. Went to Florida with my buddies in February and my younger brother wrapped it around a front porch. Insurance wrote it off. Said I would purchase another one. Bought an identical one this past December. Never missed a beat. Can't beat a TR6. |
Brian |
I got my first LBC when I got back from Vietnam in 1970 at age 23. I bought a 68 TR4A BRG with wire wheels and chrome luggage rack. I kept it for over 7 years and have a great many wonderful memories (and a few not so wonderful). Well kids came along and TR went away but I always wanted another one. Finally an empty nester, last September I picked up a 1971 TR6 and though I have had some issues, I love the car and get a huge kick out of it. It is making me young again. For those weak in math I am now 58. |
donb |
My story is similar to Bob C. I had been wanting a TR-6 since the summer of 79, when one of the guys I was working with at a summer job had a yellow one. About a month or so ago my wife said if you are going to get one you might as well do it now. Her only request was that it had to be in BRG. So last Saturday I picked up a 74 British Racing Green TR-6. I trailered it back and it is now in my garage waiting for plates which I should get tomorrow. Then the adventure begins. No math required I'm 45. S |
S Demers |
Hey S, Congrats! I'ld love to find out what your serial#s are. Mine is also a 74. Problems and issues will come when owning these cars so don't hesitate to call on the immense amount of experiance available on the site. Good luck, Chris |
Christopher T. |
I was 17 in 1974 when I bought my first TR6. It was a piece of junk. My friends joked that it was a big block of bondo that someone carved a TR6 from. Those same friends claimed it had a bent frame because when they saw me on the road it went kind of sideways. One of the steering knuckles was dry and siezed and I had to muscle the steering wheel to turn and muscle it back to go straight. I loved it! What a sound! The chicks loved it! (their fathers hated it) What more does a 17 year old need? When I owned that one I had dreamed of buying a new one. But of course I had no money during those late teen years. Now at 48 with the kids grown (17 and 19) I'm able to find time to tinker with the 6 I bought 3 years ago and restored over 2 years. I think the commonality in our age is because we were bitten by the TR6 bug in our younger years and now finally have the time and a little extra cash. By the way... I swear the title on my first TR6 indicated it was a 68. But I've been told there were no 68's. Henry |
HP Henry Patterson |
I can't believe how young all the guys on here are. I was happy to finally find some postings from guys who have been around as long as I have. I bought my 74 TR6 in the spring of 82. I had an MGB but I tired of turning my head to (covetously)watch Sixes go by so I went and got one of my own. I have bought and sold three others in the interim but still have retained my original Carmine Red beauty. TR6s are addictive and make you lose all reason. How else can one explain going out to the garage in the dead of winter just to look at her classy lines and get that familiar rush? This old addict is 59! |
Ron Case |
Hi and thanks for your replys to my thread, Great to know that there are so many young TR6 owners out there, Now to all you young guys in 25 years time, when you have your young kid sitting next to you in the TR and you are driving past the scrap yard just point out to him or her the old Miatas and 350zs and be thankfull of the oil leak you have had for the past 50 years! Clive |
Clive P |
Hello to Everyone in this fine group, I have owned my white'76-6 for about 8 years and have only had the time,( wife's blessing, daughters' waining need for attention) for the past 2 years to begin it's restoration....BUT I have really thought this car to be the finest quintessential British sports car from from its production days in the '70's. And the summer my car was built I was only 13. When I was 17 I followed a Delft blue TR6 up the twisty old Island Hwy keeping up as best I could in my dad's econoline (very funny looking back now) and was so enthralled by the car's cornering and excelleration abilities that I never forgot that summer evening ride. Fast forward to a few weeks back while to my delight a White, black striped '76-6 parked in the town house complex next to my spot... built 102 cars before mine and all original with a mere 24,500miles on the clock. The Un-Blok gal who owns this machine let me take it for a spin the next day along that same old twisty road I had driven those many years ago... and some how I inspired her to race a Mercedies SL the following day along the straight and fast inland Island Hwy. She says that the car was smooth and straight right up past 160ks! Cheers to All, Rob PS.Does any one know what colour Bob Evans painted his car this summer? |
Rob Gibbs |
S Yes (again) congrats and welcome. Posted to your other thread on the clunk and see here you do not own a '71. I suppose you where not at Bronte...I am sure you spent the day in your garage:) Rick C PS Rob, I think White. |
Rick Crawford |
All: Way back when, my TR6 was my daily driver, and I also skied. Therefore in winter I had a ski rack on the trunk. Picture this: A mild day in March, top down, skies on the rack, heater on full, lady friend on board, cruising to my favorite ski resort with that neat "6 sound" following just behind. How cool was that!? |
dennis |
Pretty cool Dennis. |
Christopher T. |
65 today! happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday dear OF happy birthday to me |
Dan Masters |
Dan- Happy Birthday and may you se many many more!! Don |
I am 38, 39 in November and have owned my tr6 since 1991, bought it in pieces. I had always thought they were really cool looking, then a rugby teammate bought one and brought it to practice, that was it, I had to find one. Since I bought it I have lowered it with lowere stiffer springs, koni shocks up front, triple webers, different cam, urethane bushings, sway bars back and front, miata seats, roll bar. Runs great, turns great, no rust, terrible paint job! I think the reason younger kids don't get into older cars is the emisions stuff, remember growing up anyone older than 35 did not have to deal with that stuff. Swapping engines etc. was easy, besides todays cars are so complicated you need an engineering degree and hundreds of dollars of computer equipment to do anything, I think thats why you see so many wings, wheels lights etc on cars, its all they can do without failing inspection? |
matt |
Dan, Congratulations and may God bless you with many more happy birthdays. db |
Doug Baker |
38 , Had my 1970 PI for 4 years , fully rebuilt it myself ( frame off) Dennis , I am curious - any photos of the rack to put the skis on ? As part of a family of mad skiers it could be the way to go ! Regards Scotty |
s marshall |
Dan..... Happy Birthday, and thanks for being so generous to all of us!!!! Rod |
Rod Nichols |
Hi Rob and belated Happy Birthday Dan: Join up Rob! This is a little off-topic but in answer to Rob's question above, Bob Evans painted his car white like Charlie's and Pete's. I'm very proud to say that Charlie has posted my before & after pics to the Members' site. The latest pics don't do justice to the quality of the paint job but it looks a heck of a lot better in Sept 2005 than it did in June 2005. The guy (a good friend) only charged me $1100 for labor and $900 for materials and spent over 100 hours, part-time over 5-6 weeks on the job. It was a Big favor. The straight and rust free body (except for 3 tiny pieces he cut out and refabricated with new metal)was smoothed and the primer was meticulously wet sanded and then finished with a few coats of white base and multiple clear coats - a gallon of each - and the driver's door , which had an old hit was hammered out and smoothed with filler. The right door, which had two small rust bubbles was replaced with a totally rust free California door. We found absolutely no other rust on the body or frame. The car was reassembled with all new rubber seals on windshield and windows, new top & tonneau snaps,grommets, etc & all the badges/decals were reattached or replaced. New SS exhaust, brake master, clutch slave, new (old) diif, rear hub, etc. Now for the engine rebuild. 53 and still feel like a 20 yr old driving my new old TR6. Cheers, Bob E 1976-TR6 |
Bob Evans |
I'm 45, my wife is 39, my concubine is 25 and my TR6 is 32. Cheers |
John Parfitt |
I was 14 when I noticed a TR6 for the first time. The dude next door owned it and knew I was always looking at it. He told me to be his watch dog while he went to university. I spent my days sitting in it pretending to drive up and down all the roads I loved. Even though my older brother had a 1970 GTO, and was going to be at my disposal in the future after getting my drivers license, I dreamed of that chrome 72 yellow Mimosa TR6. Today I own a 72 yellow Mimosa TR6. Little did I know it was better to sit and dream in a car owned by someone else. But I do not regret it for a second. it is simply a joy to drive and still a joy to look at. My wife catches me in the garage sometimes just sitting the seat playing make believe driving......even today at the age of 40 |
Marcello |
First car was a 66 red Spitfire which my dad had to drive home for me, i had just turned 16. I am now the proud owner of a 70 TR6, 68 MGB, and a 57 MGA. All or nice but my 6 is my prize! My "personal" odometer just turned 50! |
Bill Kinney |
John, you have a 25 year old concubine? I used to have a Massey 850 of about that vintage, and man, it could chew through the wheat. It was powered by another classic British six, a Perkins turbo diesel. We are talking about the same thing, aren't we? Sometimes us 52 year olds get confused.... Tony |
Tony Koschinsky |
Tony you bet we are; my concubine really chews as well and definately separates the men from the boy's who drive her! JP 73 5-Speed |
John Parfitt |
Scotty: Alas,no photos,they disappeared years ago.The rack wasn't particularly sophisticated,tubular aluminum with rubber suction cups onto the trunk(boot)lid and 4 canvas staps to stabilize. The rubber cups of course left circles on the paint.... I bought it a Canadian Tire(Crappy Tire, all the Canucks know what I mean!).No Amco for me. To prevent excessive lift and fluttering at speed on the highway I quickly learned to dispense with the vinyl carrying bag and secure the skis on edge. This all occured back in the 70's, I don't know if a similar item is still available anywhere either here or over 'ome. Cheers, D. |
dennis |
I'm 65 and recently acquired a 1975 TR6 with original pimento red paint - had my first drive yesterday and must say the clutch seems heavy compared to my last car. Have just moved over from the MG board after six years owning a 1973 MGB - nice car. My first car in 1960 was a 1935 Morris 8 in Cambridge, England. Barry 75 TR6 |
B.J. Quartermaine |
Always liked TR6's as a kid, bought one when I was 19 and I still own it 11 years later. Currently in a body off restoration. Gets more looks than modern $80,000 cars, I love it. |
R.Deal |
It started back in 1972, I purchased a 69 austin mini.The girls loved the red beater with the big sunroof.Worked great until I took it to auto shop and the rear wheel fell off on the floor, then a 74 fiat spyder, girls loved it, and not me.Now fast foward to 2005.Purchased a solid 1976 TR6.My short trips to mechanics shop are fun. My boss way back had one and liked them ever since, I to could only sit in it and play, not any more! Brian Wolfer-44 |
B.J. Wolfer |
When I was a kid i saw a cool white car go by...did not know anything about cars..I was just a kid. 25 - 30 years later, a friend brings this kentucky/Georgia USA TR6 back to restore. Bought it for 2K after he approched me (he wanted it to go to a good home). So somehow fate has brought that cool car into my life. Since '95, with all the modifications and replacement parts I bought, I'd never get my money back...fortunately I never intend to sell her (My wife would not let me anyway...turned her into a car nut too !). I don't think I'll ever be "Finished" I used to think I'd be happy once I got the last performance part...now I know that as soon as I get to one stage...its only closer to the next. I'm 9 years older than my TR....maybe only eight, data plate states it was built in '72. It only gets better ! Victor (AKA TR6Tuner) 1973 TR6. |
TR6Tuner |
Dan the Man Masters beat me to it,but Happy Birthday to me! 46 all day long. Victor, I would love to hear what kind of mods your 6 has. I tune abit too. Chris |
Christopher T. |
Hi and thanks for all the replys to my first thread, Winter is just around the corner here in Florida and we are looking forward to temps. around 60degs so time to get back in the garage and enjoy the weather. As you may know both of us have just been through a major hurricane 'Wilma' and have been beaten up a little so Johns engine rebuild has somewhat taken a back seat, Thankfully I had his flywheel in my garage so no chance of it taking off! Hopefully I will have my car with its new paint before the new year and Johns motor back in with a new lease of life. Best wishes to all from Florida and Happy Thanksgiving |
Clive P |
Since I was asked: Shelby Cal 500 mag wheels W/yoko DBs2's Electic fan, removed mechanical Fabricated fan shroud Toyota 4wd 4 piston calipers Alluminum Datsun drums Alley Roll bar w/Plexiglass wind deflector 3.45 diff Poly bushings all around Rear sway bar Boxed diff mounts Union Jack Painted on under side of bonnet with lighting supplemental rocker oil line PRI race valve springs, valve guides, lightened retainers & seals 9.5/1 compression Lightened and balanced all engine components est. -3/4 lb from drive train. Mild Cam Chrome valve cover Goodparts tripple ZS intake manifold Tube shock conversion (on third set of shocks) Header & custom exhaust Custom cold air Intake using KN filter pad. Ported & polished head. Shorter push rods Oil cooler and filter mod Added overdrive Custom interior (Thanks Connie) Halogen light conversion Halogen Driving lights Air horns CD player Alarm This winter.... Revisit tranny, install 9 kg. alloy flywheel, new clutch. Install .75 dia master clutch Cylinder (original .7 finally leaking). In future revisit engine, install more agressive cam and cam bearings. Anticipate Spax shocks, alloy rocker cover soon. I guess if it was not called a hobby it would be called a sickness ? Comment related to original subject...kids or older folks seem to enjoy the car the most, with only the occasional thumbs up from a passing female. Happy belated B-day Chris. Victor (AKA TR6Tuner) 1973 TR6 |
TR6Tuner |
Victor, sounds pretty hot. Don't you just love the toyota brakes? Do you find that the brake pedal engages lower to the floor than it use to? If it does there is an easy fix. Chris |
Christopher T. |
Victor, I wish my TR was in good enough of condition for these improvements, but alas, I am redoing my front end suspension this winter and the union jack with lightning under the bonnet was to wait. ...sigh, Ignatius |
Ignatius Rigor |
It seems my initial thread has lost its way somewhat! Clive |
Clive P |
Ok ... lets get back on track then...we have guys from 30 to 74 years (or more) on this board with a combined age of 2027 years for all 42 deciferable entries... that makes the mean age 48.26 years... and that makes me a young buck wise beyond my years for recognizing the timeless merits inherent in our cars!!!!... OK, I realize this is just my interpretation but it will probably go undisputed as long as my wife stays off of this BBS. Cheers to all, Rob ps. a very happy and safe Thanksgiving to our southern friends |
Rob Gibbs |
TR6Tuner....... Tell us more about the air horns..........MUCH more..........ALL about them !! |
John |
Heck, I was 55 when this thread started and now I'm 56. My middle kid was 22 and now is 23. My car ran, but poorly; now, the engine is sitting in Clive's garage. Age is a wonderful but terrifying thing, all at the same time. Here is sunny South Florida, the best time of the year is just starting, and most of you guys are taking out the snow gear. Clive and I are going to be cruising the roads with our tops down while you guys huddle under blankets, or whatever people do that live where it is cold! John |
JL Bryan |
OK end of thread! need to get motor back togeather and spend less time on this thing, In reference to my first thread the Dolomite is running great and he has just found a new job looking after the Silverstone race school cars back home. once again many thanks for all your replys Clive |
Clive P |
Clive, you start'em but you can't end'em. They take on a life of their own after awhile. We've taken some of these roaming threads up to 120 entries if I remember right. But Rick C. while correct me on that. John Bryan, After the storm season you guys have had this year you all deserve a quite, warm,top down winter. Now lets hear about those air horns, thats gota get their attention. Chris |
Christopher T.o |
Clive, my apoligies. It seems you can stop a thread! I have been put in my place, hope the re-build is going well. Chris |
Christopher T.o |
John and Clive - Last Friday we had 16" of snow in 11 hours. What do we do in the winter, you ask ? Why do you think there are so many Canadians ? And the French girls are even better ! Don Elliott (married to a French girl for the last 40 years) |
Don Elliott |
This thread was discussed between 02/09/2005 and 21/12/2005
Triumph TR6 index