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Triumph TR6 - TRF VOL 1 Blue Book
Richard Crawford and I have been discussing for some time how to get a good electronic copy of TRF's Volume 1 Supply Catalog in electronic format. During the holidays we managed to download the entire book page by page and combine into one huge PDF file. Too huge to email, but yesterday out of frustration I finally hit upon a solution and Richard now successfully has the book. It's available to whoever would like a copy at the following link for the next 6 DAYS ONLY...: http://download.yousendit.com/bVlCSlJ6SEJoMldGa1E9PQ Looks like the url is not interactive, so copy and paste. If it does not work, send me your email address at dbaker04ATaolDOTcom with the usual changes (and that's a zero four not an Oh) and I'll direct the file to you with an alert msg. Good luck. How about some feedback as who/how many/etc. are successful in getting this done. db |
Doug Baker |
Hi Doug Many thanks. The url auto opened for me and the download completed in just two minutes. The resulting 126 page document is now safely stored on my HD. Regards, Barry 75 TR6 |
BJ Quartermaine |
Hello Doug, Thanks a ;ot. It is downloading now. A monk work to scan that. Cheers, Jean G |
J. G. Catford |
Doug I have a ratty copy of the TR8 manual and want to do the same for that. What version did you use and what did you learn. |
Hi Doug, The download worked great for me. Thanks to you and Rick for all the hard work putting this together. Regards, Sylvain |
S Demers |
Doug / Rick Worked fine for me...thanks guys !! Charlie |
Charlie B. |
Don, You have mail. db |
Doug Baker |
Downloaded OK,but could not find colour space 'CS6" some dwg come out black Cheers Malcolm |
M Macdonald |
Malcom, I'll take a look tonight at what you've referenced. Anyone else have this problem? db |
Doug Baker |
Worked for me. You guys are fantastic! Thank you Joe |
Joe S |
Malcom, Could not discover what you meant by "CS6". If that's the front cover, it would not download so sorry 'bout that. Tell me which plates came out black and I'll send you just those pages by email. You might try to download the file again and see if these problems persist. db |
Doug Baker |
Time to set the record straight. It is not I who deserves any credit for this. It is Doug and his daughter Stephanie that did all the work. Download and compiled into a PDF file. I started to download it but would have been in a wheelchair by the time I finished. All I did was keep bugging Doug "when will you have it".....:) Doug simply "YOU THE MAN!!!" My download took all of 1 MIN. Thank you very much and please thank your daughter also from, I am sure, a lot of guys on this BBS. PS to all, Doug became a grandfather to a girl last November. Mother Stephanie and baby doing fine. So you can imagine the extra effort Steph put in.....looking after a new born and downloading the green book then compiling into a PDF. Now my TRIUMPH data base is complete. Les G. expect some snail mail soon. Rick |
Rick Crawford |
Doug Also not sure what Malcolm refers to. If PLATE CS then mine is fine. If you look at some of the pages as "thumbnails" pages, they look like a black area but the page is fine when you look at the full page. I am using Adobe Reader V9.00. Rick |
Rick Crawford |
Rick, Thanks for the clarification on Plate CS. Malcom, take another look. Also for the kudos, but it all belong to Steph and Miss Anna Reese Yeager is doing super, although her Grandpa is still trying to cope with the new role! db |
Doug Baker |
Thank you Doug. I was able to use a local WiFi service here in Florida and bring the file down in about 30 minutes. BTW, I know you folks back north are frozen solid. If it makes you feel any better we'll have a high of 47F today. Ken |
Ken Shaddock |
Ken, It was 9 F driving to work this morning. Not expected to get above freezing before Sunday morning. Maybe the Tennessee River will offer some skating opportunities!! The wetlands along side the route to work were frozen over well, but there the water is but a few inches to a foot or so deep. db |
Doug Baker |
That's just not right... for Alabama. We came down I-65 thru AL in sunshine and warmer temps a few days ago (after going through storms in MI & IN). I always feel good when I see that Rocket by the Alabama Welcome Centre after a day & half on the road (I-69, I-65). The southern architechture, warm people and knowing I'm not too too far from the gulf just feels good. Last fall we spent some time in Eufala camped on the water... beautiful old town. Hope it warms up for you. Seems you could drive a TR6 12 months of the year where you are. Ken |
Ken Shaddock |
Ken, if it were not in pieces and I could drive at all, I'd drive top down year round (with a good heater, of course)! We usually have several days, sometimes weeks of subfreezing temperatures in North Alabama each winter. Huntsville sits in the Tennessee River Valley, but we're in the southern end of the Appallachians and it's not uncommon to have frost (sometimes snow) on the mountains and sunshine in the vallys. If you'd like to see a REAL Rocket, hop off I-65 at the Huntsville exit for a short detour and visit the Space and Rocket Center where is housed two full scale Saturn V's, one, a replica, standing 5 stories erect and a 2nd one for real, now housed in a new $5M facility just to preserve this incredible human achievement that with 7,000,000 pounds of thrust put man on the moon a generation ago. Now, that's a SUPER charger! It'd be worth your while. Phone (256-694-8192) if in town and we'll meet for lunch or a wee dram or 3! db |
Doug Baker |
Doug- You should know better to put your phone # on a web site! |
Yeah Doug...Don Kelly might call you now. |
Rod Nichols |
Rod- Do you just sit out there til there is an opportunity and take a shot? You going to Bellevue this year? |
Rod, Don does call, now and again and I him. Always a good conversation. Hope that y'all are staying warm in Boise. db |
Doug Baker |
Thank you Stephanie for your efforts and Doug for motivaing her in the effort and Rick for the moral suppport on making this manual easily accessible to the TR6 masses. I had no problems with the download. 9F in Alabama. 32F (0 Celcius) in Whitehorse Yukon and Alaska. What's going on? |
Michael Petryschuk |
DB... thanks for that travel tip and the invite. Will keep the phone number in cell memory. I'd like to see what Houston has to offer too. Like Huntsville we blow by Houston on our way to AZ & CA and forget to stop and smell the rocket fuel, err roses. I know there's a museum there. The moon landing (40 years ago this July which can't possibly be) seems like yesterday. The wife and I got together with another couple that night and watched it on TV. I was taking 35mm time exposure pictures of the TV screen as it was happening... no VCR's back then. Our company (Kodak) and Hasselblad had worked together with NASA to take those beautiful pictures we all have as souvenirs of that night. Sorry BBS, I wandered off topic daydreaming about yesteryear. Ken |
Ken Shaddock |
Doug Many thanks to you and Staphanie. I downloaded to my caddy. The Caddy is a good investment as a "Just in Case" your computer crashes. And when you need to discuss things (or show off your classic and hard work) when you visit other folks. With temps around -25C this week I have not visited the TR6 Office (the garage) for a while. So I made room in the basement for other 6 work. I finished the varnishing the dashboard, rebuilt the rheostat, main electrical harness checked out ok (some minor repair). Could not get the alternator apart so that I could rebuild it (but I will). I will bring in the seats next, I have new diaphrams etc to fit, and new foam to fabricate. Regards to all,and remember that 21st March is the first day of spring. Les |
lw gilholme |
Gees Les, Not much to do Eh? |
Helo all. I'm down below Doug in B'ham Al. We do have a great State with a LOT to offer people, although often over looked. It seems we become "That state you drive through on the way to the beach". We even have our own beach / costal area which is second to none, (Orange Beach / Gulf Shores area). I do drive my TR6 most all year round. This far south, we never see snow. As Doug mentioned, we do have about 6 to 8 weeks of what we call winter weather. Usually with lows in teh 20's to 30's. Today, it is upper 20's, but is supposed to reach low 50's by later afternoon. Luckily, we usually stsrt to see those 60* days by ealey March, and tehy are here to stay by early April. Spring is beautiful in Alabama. We have 3 great British car clubs in the State, Dougs, ours, The Birmingham British Motoring Club, and then another farther south, the Montgomery British Car Club. |
Danny Thomason |
Sorry to hear about your bad weather and lack of beaches Danny. |
Rick Crawford |
Yea,nice beaches, to bad you have to live with Alabamians . . . . . . . just kidding. Almost moved to Huntsville a couple of years ago and it still is on my list of places to live. |
Don, To emigrate to Huntsville, you'll have to make application. Be sure to get your references ready. We have quotos on who and how many of what we permit to join us! Since you're a TR-6 (forget the 8) owner (kinda anyway), you're a minority and will receive special dispensation. Now, elsewhere in Alabama, what you say holds true and you're free to go anywhere else you'd like (no quotos). Huntsville, however is a cosmopolitan microcosm of human achievement, intellect, education, culture and sophistication, quite dissimilar from the protypical alabama you and the rest of the world has come to know and love! BTW, there are relatively few native Huntsvillians. Most of us came from somewhere else!! db |
Doug Baker |
My wife meets all of that and since I was gonna tag along with her . Do I qualify as a spouse of a perfect person? |
Hmmm, don't know. Have to think on that. We have a number of unattached young batchelors who might make a better match up with a perfect wife!! But you can get a temporary visa to come visit on kind of a probationary trial...:-) db |
Doug Baker |
dang- There goes my fee ride. |
Ah, that was suppose to be free. Why isn't there an edit button!!!! |
Now you know why it'd be probationary:-) BTW, there are also language and dietary requirements. American English is accepted (there are over 100 different native languages spoken in Hsv) but Southernise is mandatory if you want to really immerse yourself in the local culture and you really must have a hankering for grits and hush puppies and biscuits with thickening gravy! db |
Doug Baker |
Don't y'all have to listen to country music, follow Nascar and toss beer cans on the highway? I'll check with Jeff Foxworthy and verify. I don't think livin' in the south is all that easy. In fact, my brother-in-law is from Georgia and speaks southernese, not sure he would understand Huntsvillese, but I have no idea what he has said for the last 30 years. An interpreter help would help Don. Ken |
Ken Shaddock |
Now Ken, you've gone and confused Huntsville with the rest of Alabama and points E,W & further S! We here are priviledged to have our stories reflected in the music of the mountians but some of us listen to Bach, Beethoven and occassionally the likes of Itzak Perlman & Yo Yo Mas, both of whom have performed here in the past year. As for NASCAR, it did indeed begin in the South (Tennessee mostly) in the era of prohibition as a natural result of automobiles modified to avoid detention and capture by the Revenooers and Talladega is but a short couple of hours away, but instead of beer cans on the highway, we savor single malt scotch and discuss the finer points of rocket motors, inertial guidance systems, impulse engines and...yes LBCs. Y'all come visit some time, ya'her:-) db |
Doug Baker |
Doug is correct in pointing out Huntsville as a bastion of refined culture in North Alabama. I used to get over there a good bit on business and typically stayed near the Von Braun Center where it seems that something was always happening. In addition to the cultural items, there is some fine dining, but you can also find traditional southern fare as well. Some of the best country ham (imagine thick slices of prosciutto) I've had was consumed in Huntsville as were some very good French seafood dishes. About the only thing food wise from there that I'm not too sure about is the white BBQ sauce. Remember, it is indeed Huntsville and not "Huntspatch." |
Steve Pike |
See...an advocate and devotee, based on his own personal experience so y'all don't have to just take my admittedly somewhat biased opinion:) What Steve didn't tell you is that the last time he was here, a raccoon got fried in a transformer at a major TVA substation and knocked out power for most of the day to the whole area...so we're still struggling to harness and deliver the benefits of modern technology!! db |
Doug Baker |
I'm sold! You guys are like chatting with the National Park Service... one of my favorite things to do at historic sites. Sweet Home Alabama and no one has mentioned the iconic Bear B and The Crimson Tide as yet. Thanks for the incite. KTS |
Ken Shaddock |
Ken, As I commented, most of us are from somewhere else. Me, born and raised in TENNESSEE!! I have a bumper sticker, on my desk not my car, that reads..."I'm for UT and whoever is playing against ALABAMA." I've appended "except Miami or Notre Dame." The Bear is not revered in my household and beating the Crimson Tide on the 3rd Saturday in October makes the whole season worthwhile. db |
Doug Baker |
This thread was discussed between 14/01/2009 and 24/01/2009
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