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Triumph TR6 - U Tube wow!!

I can't get over the new tech....
Wish my Tr could do this.

Who is driving this one?????
Rod Nichols

I recognize that TR Rod.
What a great lookin' car!
Rick Crawford

I don't know but his oil pressure is a little high!

R U lost in the good 'ol US of A?

Ever since I did the engine rebuild it has been that high. I think this year will be 10W30 not 20W50.
Rick Crawford

Good looking Driver on that TR6 video. He looks familiar to me for some reason.

The terrain looks familiar as well.

I think you have too much time on your hands Rick.

Michael S. Petryschuk

Hey Folks,
We should all do our own video. Good on ya Rick. I think I'll do one.

Even though this is a TR6 blog site, we are also car lovers in general right? So he is my last entry of a non-Tr6 relation.

This is the same Brit dude who drove the TR6 in that video talk show we all have seen. In this one he test drove a Bugati. Be very prepared for a video you will never forget.

Absolutely Incredible!!

Marcello, yes, that Bugatti was awesome. Thanks.

Simply WOW!
I want one of them!

On a trade in, my 6 would pay for that special key.
Rick Crawford

My 6 trade in will pay for the rad fluid.

Rick C,
Other than to sell it, and live comfortably the rest of your life, why would you want one? You said you won't drive your TR6 100 what's up? This thing only does 250!

Honestly, I can spend hours seeing the beauty of the TR6 design, but the Bugatti does absolutely nothing for me visually. Face it, it's a lump. A really fast and VERY expensive lump, but a lump nonetheless.

Don're in Virginia? Stop in Fairfax and say hi to my new Grandson! I already bought him a "Future Triumph Owner" t-shirt!
Rod Nichols

OOPS....Don's in Maryland
Rod Nichols

Rod,home now . Actually I was a stone throw over the Potomac from VA. Ferry was closed because of ice flows.

I do not think I could get my 6 up to 100 MPH...well maybe downhill with the wind at my back.
You are a little harsh with the word lump Rod. Come one, I am sure you would not kick it out of the stable.
I have to admit, MY MSTRS will get my adrenalin rushing when I ask her to.
I can hardly wait for spring....all this talk about adrenalin and cup sizes........
Rick Crawford

Why will your -6 not reach 100...??? the speedo says 120...or is it 135?? Nonetheless, (and this is really reaching back in time), it seems that I recall pegging the needle (whatever that amounted to) on my TR-250 back in about 69-early 70!!
Doug Baker

Isn't 100 actually 63 miles per hour anyway? Rick I hope your gal will do that!

We are talking 100MPH. But you are correct that 100KPH is 61MPH.
The speedo goes up to 135MPH. I have had her up to just over 70MPH. I guess I just do not trust the Michelin red lines.
Rick Crawford

If my -6 won't cruise easily at 80MPH+, I'm wasting a LOT of time and money!!
Doug Baker
hee hee
Rod Nichols

Ya Ya Rod
Interesting, your speedo goes to 140 yet the HP was going down in later TRs due to more pollution control junk.
Doug, like I said, Michelin Red Lines.
Just where in the sunny south do you "cruise" at 80MPH?
Rick Crawford

All, I have to agree Rod the Bugatii was designed for speed not looks, kind of reminds me of the old Ford Edsel with that front grill.
A remarkable piece of machinery and design for sure
but sort of has that jelly bean shape.
Doug, I've had my car up to 115mph once and it was terrifing. The car just wanted to float away there was so much air underneath.
Marcello, sounds good. We should get together this summer and do some shorts and put them up on youtube.
I know of a wonderful twisty road nearby that we could get some great long shots of car approching and screamig away.

Hey Rod, How do you get the speedo to show 100 when it's standing still??

Get your car running...then we'll talk!
Chris, you should consider the front spoiler. If you chat with folks that deal with aerodynamics at a 'useful' speed they tell that the spoilers added to any car can't have an influence below 80 mph. I will attest to that, we had an 81 Datsun 810 (kinda like a Maxima, only stripped down) that I installed a home made air dam on the front. when you hit 80+ it was very obvious that the car was being pulled down on it's suspension. The TR6 spoiler starts pulling you down nicely at 90, and the car becomes very solid. I venture to say it felt better at 90+ than it does at 75-80. I don't think I'll try it without the spoiler, and I ain't runnin' redlines. 205/70R15 Michelins, on 15 X 6 wheels. It sticks good enough for whatever I do. No Autocross or hillclimb, thank you. One more thought, look at the pictures of the Group 44 TR6, believe me, that spoiler is there for a purpose! Lastly (finally) a friend of mine was the general manager at the Boise British Leyland dealer back in the early 70's his demo was always a TR6. He used to drive it back & forth to Reno quite a bit, (overdrive equipped) and would cruise the trip at 120 mph. Okay, I'm done.
Rod Nichols

I totally agree with you regarding the front spoiler. This was one of the reasons to install one on my '72. (not original) Also 205/65r15 installed.
I see you have a radar detector. Is it still legal in the US ? In Holland it is illegal now. The track them down with a radar detector-detector (!). Penalty of E 250,00 (over $300,00) and you loose the detector !
Eric de Lange

Chris has a downforce Nascar front spoiler. I think the mod to the front spoiler was done after the 115 experience.
PS 71s do not have front spoilers.
Rick Crawford

Rod, thanks for the thought on the front spoiler. Had considered it, but otherwise (externally) my 7T1TR6 appears original (execept for the thin stripe down the side:)).

Rick, the Interstate system permits (generally) 70MPH, but the traffic (also generally) ignores this limit. 75MPH is comfortable in freeway traffic, 80 might be a tad above average, but ceratinly not uncommon and there are often idiots running well above 90 or least it sure seems so when they blow me off the road and I'm doing 75. The local freeway (interstate) link in town is 5-7 lanes handling ~85,000 cars/day one way AND 70 will get you honked at for going too slowly!!

The experience in the -250 was on a stretch of I-65 just north of the Alabama line in Tennessee shortly after that section of Interstate opened in the late 60's...i.e., little to no traffic and NO troopers. I was pushing the tach to the redline and the speedo needle was pegged for several miles on a long downhill straight stretch. (OK, I was VERY young and indestructible and if you're old enough [I know that you're not] to remember that time, you'll recall that it was one of the best of times and also the worst of times with our little excursion in SE Asia paramount in everyone's view of the world). As I recall the TR-250 handled soldily, but perhaps my memory fails me.
Doug Baker

Rick....71's don't have V8's either!!!
Chris, stay out of this, and keep working on your car!
Rod Nichols

Rod- No hitting below the belt. I have actually spent about 20 hours in the garage the last 2 weeks (minus the 5 days in the east). Have made a bit of progress on the wiring ,though I spent the first couple of hours trying to figure out where I left off and what the heck I was doing! I am waiting on a wire parts order at present and trying to decide what to do with my dash.

It is about time Mr. Kelly!
Rick Crawford

I wish that y'all'd be gentle with Don. If he gets his -6 back together soon, then, you'll start on me:(
Doug Baker

It's a race then Mr. Baker!

That's right Don....blame it on the parts guy! ;)
Doug....As you are well aware, I have more than a passing interest as to how your car is doing, and I just wanted to inform you that with the help of a few of my rowdy friends, we finished the Scotch quite some time ago. Enjoyable to the last drop. I keep asking for pictures....send me some someday soon!
Both of you....get back to work, your cars are calling you, and they wanna go for a drive! :)
Rod Nichols

Rod, You got it. Check your email this weekend.

As to the scotch...passed by the bar at home a few nights ago and it hit goodness, what's sitting on that bar would feed a family of 4 for some time!@! I think that there's 19 bottles of various single malts just sitting around waiting to be enjoyed. Only my S-I-L and I partake. My wife and daughters are partial to wine and tequila, no scotch. I treat myself to a wee night cap often, but I felt a bit embarrassed to see it all together sitting there knowing the cost. Now in my defense, keep in mind that most have been gifts and dregs from our tastings. I certainly did not pay for all of it...maybe a bottle or three now and again.

Glad that you enjoyed the Macallan. Got Glen Albyn and Rosebank (both closed distilleries) in hand for next month's tasting. Come on down some 3rd Thursday of odd months and enjoy a dram or two!

Don, lets race when we have something to drive:)
Doug Baker

All right boys thats it. I'm going to the local farm supply store and buy myself 5 ft. of rubberized belt for tractor PTO's. It's about 8 in. wide and should
allow me to build a big ol Nascar front air dam.
Within an inch of the road, if it hits anything it will either wear off or bend. Gotta see what this puppy will do. Well, as soon as the snow melts, and I get it reassembled.

Rick, that front spoiler was cracked in the collision
last summer, but now I have a new front end and I get to build a new air dam.


That's what I used on the 810!!! We called it beet belt. Used in the bottom of farm truck bulk beds for spuds and sugar beets! I secured it with a 1 inch wide thin aluminum (aluminium) strap and slick little allen head bolts. The style of the valance on the Datsun lent itself to this, but the TR6 probably wouldn't.....

Doug, please notice my email address changed.

Don, Doug, and Chris, we're all pullin' for ya....get those cars running!
Rod Nichols

Boy, all this park bench racing is not very brotherly. I regret showing the Bugatti. (by the way my TR can really haul ass)

Hey CT,
Ya good twisty road would be "forks of the Credit" (if you dare) we can do a gathering and open invite cruise. BYOC (bring Your Own Camera)

Interesting you should point that area out. I put up a link to my Flicker with Pete and I with our wives at the store in Hockley. We where on our way over to Chris's for another drive and a great BBQ. What a day of nice driving it was. Have a look at the other pictures on my flicker.
Rick Crawford

I will figure this flicker out yet.

Red White and Blue...Chris Pete and Rick:

Pete And Bonnie having TOO much fun:
Rick Crawford

This thread was discussed between 20/02/2007 and 25/02/2007

Triumph TR6 index