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MG MGB GT V8 Factory Originals Technical - British V8 2005 - Registration!


The registration form for British V8 2005 (held June 9-12 in Terre Haute, IN) can now be found and downloaded at:

Check it out now!

Download the PDF registration form and mail it in today!

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to test the performance of your converted British car....learn more about a lot of GREAT enthusiasts!


rick ingram

Rick, How many are allready signed up?

Steve Carrick

I registered in January! I'm bringing my 10 year old grandson with me this time, and we are both looking forward to a great time. Many thanks to Dave, Pete, and Rick for what looks to be a fantastic event. This is definately one you don't want to miss.
Dan Masters

Steve...Registrations are beginning to trickle in. I believe I have a dozen or so right now. Soon as spring (and warm weather hits) I am anticipating a lot more mail! We hope to draw 60 to 75 conversions and enthusiasts to this "Driving Experience of 2005!"

rick ingram

I just tried to download the registration form with no success. Clicked, showed "done" at the bottom of the page immediately, but nothing came up on the screen. I have tried 4 times with the same results.
Jim Stuart


Double click the pdf file to open it so you can read it on your monitor. Then click the little printer icon above to print it out. That should work, it just did for me.
Carl Floyd


That's a real problem when trying to open a PDF file in IE explorer - the file is being downloaded but you get no indication that it is. If you wait long enough, it will pop up on your screen.

Better yet, right click on the link and select "save target as..." This will save a copy on your comupter and you can open it later with Adobe. This will give you an indication that the file is being downloaded.

See you in Terre Haute!
Dan Masters

I would be happy to send the pdf as an e-mail attachment to anyone who wishes.

I saw the prototype of the British V8 2005 t-shirt yesterday. WOW!

We will also have available golf (polo) shirts and baseball-style hats. I'm working on that order form this week.

rick ingram

I talked to Bill Yobi a few minutes ago. The new business is now established firmly enough that he is going to get back into the MG V8 fraternity. He is planning on coming to Terre Haute. More competition for the autocross guys!!!!
Kurt Schley

Great news about Yobi!

rick ingram


I have a dozen or so registrations...I've not called the hotel to check room reservation lists (knowing that you folks generally will make your hotel reservation months prior to sending in your meet reservation!)

I have to NOT miss this meet as it will be "The Driving Experience of 2005!"


rick ingram


I plan to put my registration in the mail this week.

Glad to hear Bill Yobi will be joining us again.

Hey, Yobi, you still remember how to drive that B?

Now, if we can get Dale Spooner, Larry Hoy, and all the other MIAs to Terre Haute we can have a grand ol' V8 Frat Party!
Carl Floyd

Come on Spooner ! I'm challenging you to a HP shoot out! :))) Steve
Steve Carrick

OK! OK! I get the hint.....Not to be outdone by those from the Volunteer State, my registration will be in the mail by the weekend.
Add my name to the HP shootout!
Graham Creswick

I E-mailed Dale Spooner a few days ago. He will not be at the meet this year. He is in the process of moving his shop down south. (Didn't he use that one last year?) He did promise that he will be at the 2006 Meet. Maybe we should just organize a sweep of the USA before each meet and pick up all the pending no-shows in a car hauler.
Kurt Schley

How many of us have been to every meet so far? I missed the first one, but I've been to every one since then.
Dan Masters

I'm running out of excuses!I look forward to the meets every year,but one thing or another has kept me away for the past 4.But I am moving my shop from Vermont to Virginia 3 weeks after Terre Haute and there is no way I can take the time.It is so easy to make new friends at the meets and I regret missing that opportunity for 4 years.At least now I am not the only blue oval in attendance,as was always the case before.It's always a blast,plus where else other than a Shriners parade do you see so many old guys driving small cars? Dale

Graham - Pete is the new king of the hill!! That 342 has got us covered. :(( Steve
Steve Carrick

Steve/Graham - Should be firing up the new stroker motor soon. Once Spring arrives I'll be able to test and see how good it really is.
Steve - You've still got the crown until June ! :)
Pete Mantell

342"!!! Dammit, I had just figured out how to build a 322" Rover block-based aluminum motor in quest of that King-of-the-Hill title. Back to the drawing board! I am going up to D & D this weekend, Karen's daughter is getting married. If anyone needs parts and lives near me, or wants to get them nearer to the East Coast for future pick-up in Madison, give Dan a call and I will bring the parts home.
Kurt Schley


You and I may always have to retain our current as "Backfire" and me as "The Procrastinator"!

rick ingram

You guys ar still behind on the King of the Hill.

Dave Mickel's bored & stroked D & D Buick 300- 348 CI is runnin & driving.
Jim Stuart

Jim - What's the HP at the rear wheels ?? :))

Steve Carrick

re: V8 meet attendance....

I hosted British V8 1999, drove (with Pete Mantell in his pickup) to Cleveland for V8 2000, drove (solo) my MGC to Sebring, FL for V8 2001; same with V8 2002 in Grand Rapids, MI; same for V8 2003 in Townsend, TN; ditto for V8 2004 in Grand Rapids, MI; and I will again be co-hosting V8 2005 in Terre Haute, IN.

I missed the V8 meet in St.Louis, the V8 meet that followed MG '98 in Hagerstown...I *think* these meets were informally started by Rob Weatherall in 1993 or 1994 (possibly 1996)....can someone clarify?

rick ingram

Rick - I believe that both Robin and Kurt were involved in the first V8 meet

Steve Carrick

The first V8 meet was in St Louis, hosted by Robin, June of 1997.

I was co-host, with Dave Mickel being the real organizer of the second meet in Washington, DC, July of 1998. Those who attended must admit it was the hottest meet to date with temps in the mid to high 90's.

The Batimore bunch hosted a V8 meet in Haggerstown, MD concurrent with the NAMGAR event, sorry, I don't have the date handy. I have been fortunate to attend all but the first meet, with 4 different V8's.


Dave's car has not seen a dyno yet but has a good bit more power than my bored 300 @ 325 HP.

Jim Stuart
Jim Stuart

My check is now in the mail! I'll be there in my
3.5L MGB. At half the HP of the new builds, it's
still an exciting ride! Anxious to see you all.
And as far as V8 Meet attendance, I've been to all of
them. My picture is in the St.Louis meet article
(bottom center)in the V8 Newsletter. The meets just
get better and better! What a great bunch of guys!
Regards, Jack
John Renaud

I have to relinquish my title " Lost in the Autocross " because I wont make to IN to defend it. Too many things going on --but I fully plan to goto TN in 06 to regain my hard earned crown .
I am sure you will have a great envent>
All the best ---Gil
Gil Price

Only 91 days to go for the
"The Driving Experience of 2005!"
Pete Mantell

Received another registration in today's post - a Canadian 302 Ford conversion - Graham Creswick.

Three months and counting!

rick ignram

I received Carl Floyd's registration for British V8 2005 (THE Driving Experience of the Year!)

When are YOU going to send yours in?!

Autocross on Thursday
Track Day at Putnam Park on Friday
Bracket racing at Wabash Valley Drag Strip on Saturday
Visit to a private auto museum on Saaturday afternoon
Banquet and auction on Saturday nite

See to download a registration form and learn more about the meet!



rick ingram


News flash....

Spooner's in!

We also have a committment from D&D.

Moss has also antied up.

It's going to be a GREAT meet!

rick ingram

Hmmm,must be Rick didn't notice that I post dated that check for June 13.Not only is the timing of this years event bad for me,but now I have to drive 800 miles just to get to my car,then it's another 700 miles to Terre Haute.Way too much seat time.But when I found out that the long distance prize was a weekend at Neverland,I had to go for it!

re: Neverland: the surprise is out as to who the "featured guest" may be!

Get your "moon-walking" shoes out!

rick inrgam

Hmmm, Neverland? Has that gor something to do with purple MG's :)))))

Rick - WFO = Wild Fords Outrun everything Else!!!!
Steve Carrick

re: Hmmm, Neverland? Has that got something to do with purple MG's :)))))

Gaaad NO!!!!!!!!!!!

re: Rick - WFO = Wild Fords Outrun everything Else!!!!

No...that would be more like WFOE (WoFo) which sounds very ghetto-ease.


Steve, I've been receiving rejects on your your inbox full, or did you just have some ISP difficulty?

rick ingram

Rick - Yes it was full, I cleaned it out this morning

Steve Carrick


It's about time! You ran out of excuses a long time ago. The move is no biggie. Just sell everything 'cept the MG. :)

Ford, Ford, Ford
Ford = Fast only rolling downhill
Carl Floyd

Rick, Nice to hear D & D will be there. Dan LaGrou
has been a good supporter of the V8 effort. Too bad
D & D wasn't mentioned in the article on the 2004 British V8 Meet in the last British V8 Newsletter. They put on
a good display at the motel parking lot and were very
helpful to alot of prospective V8er's. By the way, the
parking lot gettogether & car review is one of my
favorite parts of the V8 meet! Can't wait for June!!!
John Renaud


Received two more registrations today - one from Louisiana, one from Tennessee!

I can tell that Spring is arriving and the weather is turning more "user-friendly"!

Get those applications filled out and in the mail!

Make those room reservations!

See for a pdf file of the registration form!

Safety / Faster!

rick ingram
rick ingram

Glad to see that we have many and varied topics to discuss on the BBS. Hope to see all of you in Terre Haute. I have a favorite tavern that has great Guiness and Bass and you can throw peanuts on the floor.

Curly Dave
D Kirkman


Kurt Schley was up at D & D Fabrications a couple of weeks ago and on one of the benches was a practically new Buick 3.8L V-6. Dan is planning on debut of his 3.8L V6 conversion kit at the V8 Meet in Terre Haute.

British V8 2005 iw a little over TWO months away!

If you have not yet registered, download a registration form (PDF file) at Go to Newsletters > meets > 2005!


rick ingram

darkside dan, i love it, maybe have to rethink? sounds interesting, wonder what donor car or version it is, jim
james madson


Only about 2 months away from The Driving Experience of 2005! - British V8 2005 in Terre Haute!

If you have not yet downloaded your registration form, go to then go to newlsetters to events to 2005! It is a PDF file and will take some time to download, so be patient!

You also have about one month left to reserve your room at the Holiday Inn in Terre Haute! Remember to come in on Wednesday nite so that you will be fresh for the autocross on Thursday morning at the airport!


rick ingram

Bought a '78 shell on e-bay I was going to try to run down to the V8 covention this year w/ 4 cylinder power, but while transporting it last night from San Antonio to Detroit it broke loose and flipped the Bronco over just south of Ft Wayne. Didn't do the B much good either.

That scotches the plan of bring a B (albeit 4 cyl) down to the convention, but my sigoth may be in town that weekend (out from Cali) and I may be able to interest her in some shopping? Help me out here Rick, can I keep here entertained while I start collecting parts.
greg fast


First....are you OK? (I'm assuming that you are.)

Terre Haute is only a short distance from Indy...and there are some really great little towns within a short drive of TH that are on the Covered Bridge tours...all of these little towns have unique little specialty shoppes and antique shoppes, etc.

Not knowing what truly interests your S.O. , it's hard for me to say, YES, she will have the time of her life....but...there will be other S.O.'s in attendance who find our coversion artworks to be somewhat boring....

If you will contact Dave Kirkman directly through his e-mail ( ), he will be of more assistance than I as he resides in Terre Haute.


Really hope that you can make it....


rick ingram

Greg, I have a 78-80 shell no rust California car.
It needs:
Trunk lid
I have the top, wishield and seats. "0" rust.

Anybody driving from Grand Rapids to TH? I may need a ride.
Bill Guzman

It wasn't insured was it? In the state of Michigan you have 30 days to add a new (to you) car to your insurance. If (within) 30 days you call and add the car, and pay all applicable premiums from the date of purchase, coverage is extended from the date of purchase. If I'm not mistaken, it's covered by collision coverage on your policy, so you may have a deductible, depending on the proximate cause of the incident. If it's not collision, it's comprehensive coverage, and there's almost always a comprehensive deductible.

I spent 5 years of my life (1999-2004) working for Allstate as an agent in Michigan, and I haven't forgotten everything (yet) hehe.

Do you know how expensive it is to find a nice body shell of like kind and quality! =)



Easy soluton, bring the race car!
Carl Floyd

Only hurt my pride and my pocketbook.

Fortunately, the B wasn't damaged as much as the Bronc was- It pulled loose and used the right front fender and an armaco rail for brakes. The right front fender is junk and the rh door may need to be reskinned, but surprising little damage, I hope. Didn't see significant damage to the rh rear quarter, and the hood was in the tow car. Course it was dark outside, it being at night and all.... I think it's still woth fixing. I'll need to check the frame horns to make sure they're not too bent. Thanks for the offer Bill, but I thinks I can stick with the tin I own

Sigoth has a cousin in Indy- perhaps I could drop her off if it was going terribly wrong... She's kind of OK for a wife- she works corners and grid at vintage races, is encouraging me to get my own vintage MGB back to race trim... If I am able to come, we might not want to mention the MGB- see, I haven't quite- how do I say this diplomatically- told her about it yet. Told her I was drinking and rolled the Bronc because of that. Got me a good butt chewing, but nothing like if she knew I bought another MG.

Bronco wasn't insured for collision- figure I'll just write it off. These cars are a dime a dozen in California where the still run good (need to pass SCAQMD inspections) with little rust, and usually clapped out paint due to ozone and sun exposure. Figure the last one I bought cost me a nickle a mile if I abandon it, alot less if I try to part it out. I'll yank the 2.9 and put it in my MkII Capri

Think I'll eat the loss- better than having a chargable on record. Indiana cop seems to think an equipment failure, since one of the steering knuckles was in about 5 pieces.

The thing I learned from this experience- No matter how bad it is, it's not worse than the Geryhound ride home. I swear, bus people look up to the homeless and insane as positive role models.
greg fast


Received a registration from Texas today!

It's right at two months before...

The Driving Experience of 2005!

Mail your registration in TODAY!

(You also have one month remaining to make your room reservation at the Holiday Inn!)

Registration form can be found at


rick ingram

This thread was discussed between 21/02/2005 and 07/04/2005

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